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Freshfields reduce manual analysis by 90%

Freshfields gets fresh insights from Adoreboard on how to differentiate when it comes to UK trainees by enhancing the new joiner experience through identifying and elevating the drivers emotional motivators.

Established in 1743, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer is a member of the Magic Circle of elite British law firms. As a global brand, it attracts and coaches the brightest UK trainees in a highly competitive marketplace. Trainees are the future partners of Freshfields so the employee experience is key!


In order to recruit the very best law trainees Freshfields wanted to understand what law graduates were saying about Freshfields online and how they felt about them as a brand compared to competitors. 

In addition, to recruit the best talent, Freshfields used Adoreboard to understand what aspects of its online recruitment campaign worked and what could be changed. Most importantly, how could the Freshfields brand speak to graduates in an engaging and authentic way, so graduates would respond more favourably?

The volume of comments from UK graduates meant it was impossible to manually analyse, and with no clear insights, the results were anything but actionable.


Freshfields used Adoreboard to track thousands of mentions across a range of social media channels. Adoreboard’s Emotion AI technology was used to identify key concepts and highlight impactful emotions expressed in the content.

Adoreboard’s sophisticated measure for online brand performance, the Adorescore, was used to assess and benchmark the performance for Freshfields and its competitors.The Adoreboard platform was able to drill deeper to understand the specific emotions expressed by trainees at each stage of the recruitment journey, resulting in:

  • The surfacing of unknown insights on brand performance
  • In-depth analysis on how trainees felt about the brand
  • In-depth analysis of competitor performance
  • Identification of the most joyful recruitment experience
  • Identification of the most frustrating recruitment experiences
  • Identifying actions to transform Freshfield’s recruitment experience
  • Reducing the manual analysis by over 90%

Why partner with Adoreboard?

Adoreboard offers a new ability to produce more impactful, actionable insights from feedback and create a scalable solution to issues identified.

The numbers speak for themselves ↓

reduction in manual analysis
increase in speed to insight - days not weeks
increase in applications due to action taken


reduction in manual analysis
increase in speed to insight - days not weeks
increase in applications due to action taken
Industry: Legal
Company:  Large
Use Case:  Employee Experience
“Our work with Adoreboard has given us fresh insights into our trainee recruitment and as a result we are looking at areas we can change to improve their experience with the Freshfields brand, even if it ’s a no when it comes to the end of their application, ensure it’s a positive one. So Adoreboard has given us information that we can use to benefit the business.”
Barney O'Kelly
Head of Digital
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