Silicon Valley Beckons for Adoreboard

Brand intelligence tech start-up company Adoreboard has been crowned ‘best tech start-up’ at the ITLG Silicon Valley Global Technology Forum. Adoreboard scooped the Irish Technology Leaders Group (ITLG) University Challenge Award for best tech start-up with the most global commercial potential at the recent awards ceremony.

The company beat off stiff competition from over 20 third level institutions from across the island of Ireland in a Dragons Den style pitching competition.

The award was made as part of a two day technology forum, where a delegation from Silicon Valley who included top executives from the global tech sector, such as CISCO, Intel, DELL, Disney and AOL, met with a shortlist of start-up companies from across the island of Ireland who pitched their innovative technology solutions to an investor panel.

The data analytics software company which extracts meaning from big data to help brands understand how people feel about them online faced a panel of seasoned entrepreneurs and corporate leaders including Barry O’Sullivan senior Vice President of CISCO.

The award was presented to Adoreboard founder and CEO Chris Johnston by ITLG chairman and former chairman and CEO of Intel Corp., Craig Barrett. Speaking after picking up the award Chris Johnston described the accolade as a “recognition of the worldwide commercial potential of Adoreboard.”

The Adoreboard leadership team includes Chief Scientific Officer Dr Gary McKeown of Queen’s University and Chief Technology Officer Dr Fergal Monaghan who previously worked at German software giant SAP.

Cian Hughes ITLG Head of Operations commented:

“We looked for a company that shows the best global opportunity for a very early stage company in the ITLG University Challenge, and having received entries from over 20 third level institutions all over Ireland, Adoreboard showed us that real potential”

Adoreboard will now go forward to meet with investors in Silicon Valley at the next ITLG event on the West Coast, USA later this year. Dr. Paul Donachy who heads the Commercial Development Team at Queen’s University said that Queen’s has had a track record of success at the ITLG awards. Adoreboard joins Analytics Engines a Queen’s spin-out company who previously won Emerging Technology Award last year. He said:

“We are thrilled that Queen’s and Adoreboard won in this very competitive category, reflecting the pedigree of tech start-ups supported by Queen’s. The ITLG award provides a significant opportunity for Adoreboard to now meet with investors in Silicon Valley later this year, for any start-up this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

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