Delivery and Databases

Gone are the days when items bought from a mail order catalogue that resulted in a wait of up to thirty days for delivery. Nowadays with the massive prevalence of online e-commerce sites consumers can expect their purchases within two or three days.

Most stores provide next day delivery from around the world, either at additional cost or as part of a subscription model (e.g. Amazon Prime). The logistics of delivering goods globally has resulted in innovation such as the creation of ‰Ū÷The Maersk (Triple E class)‰ŪŖ, recently constructed as the biggest cargo ship in the world. The scale of the ship is staggering at 1300 feet long (quarter of a mile) and 200 feet wide, and is the height of a 20-storey building. The ship is so big that few ports can accommodate it.

Envisioning the future: Adoreboard CTO Fergal Monaghan

Dr. Fergal Monaghan is no stranger to data analytics. In fact prior to joining Adoreboard he headed up a research team within the business intelligence unit of German software giant SAP. He says that his role at Adoreboard is to help marketers and CEOs re-imagine how social data can be used to transform business decisions on a daily basis. In a series of blog posts we find out how…

In two lines what is Adoreboard?

We help brands understand how the world feels about them online. I use this second line to store superfluous words.