emotional customer experience

Which Airline provides the Best Customer Service?

With summer now in full swing, many of you are counting down the days until your well-deserved summer holiday – only 62 more sleeps for me!  While some of you have had your holidays planned for months, I’m sure that many are still holding out for a last minute deal. We know that the airline […]

The Emotion behind the Emoji

The use of emojis has changed the way we communicate. We have gotten so used to using a simple emoji to describe our feelings instead of using actual words. It has become a universal language. The 17th July marked World Emoji Day and Twitter celebrated by tweeting out the below infographic that displays the top […]

Trump Plagiarism Scandal: The Unexpected Reaction

This week saw the the Republican National Convention (RNC) take place in Cleveland, during which delegates from the US Republican party choose their nomination for President and Vice President of the United States. This year’s Republican candidate is none other that Donald J. Trump, an American businessman and TV personality with some controversial views. Donald’s […]