HX Roundup June 2020 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

Human Experience Roundup HX

This month’s HX Roundup comes in the form of a Forrester ‘club sandwich’, in which you’ll find tasty treats from the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Patient Focused Medicine, Customer Think, Health Scout, Customer Imperative and McKinsey.

Bon Appétit!


Build An Effective Customer Advocacy Program By Knowing The Four Advocate Types

In a Forrester research report, 92% of marketers say that engaging post-sale increases marketing’s credibility with customers. And 79% of marketers who turned their customers into advocates see increases in upsell, cross-sell, and enrichment. However not all advocates are looking for the same thing and 4 key types of advocate were identified;

  • Educators
  • Validators
  • Status Seekers
  • Collaborators

The article goes into these 4 types of advocate in more detail and emphasises delivering value first and trusting that the customer references, referrals and case studies will follow.

Read Full Article: https://go.forrester.com/blogs/build-an-effective-customer-advocacy-program-by-knowing-the-four-advocate-types/ (Laura Ramos, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester)

Elevating Customer Experience Excellence In The Next Normal

This Mckinsey piece was written collaboratively by the global leaders of the McKinsey Customer Experience Practice says that three priorities will be key to build an enduring advantage in serving customers.  They look at the effect of Covid-19 on consumer spending and what shifting behaviours are here to stay, with a framework to classify behavioural changes.

Mckinsey Elevating Customer Experience Excellence In The Next Normal

The writers dive into 3 priorities: Prepare for a digital recovery; Accept a safe and contactless customer journey as your default; and, Anticipate, don’t just ask for, customer feedback.

Read Full Article: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/operations/our-insights/elevating-customer-experience-excellence-in-the-next-normal (McKinsey)

Why Employee Experience Initiatives Fall Short

This is a fairly short read from HBR, jam-packed with interesting stats and bit-sized takeaway insights, much of which comes from Gartner’s whitepaper “The Modern Employee Experience: Increasing the Returns on Employee Experience Investments”.

The article speaks candidly about employee experience spend and how, if not done correctly and completely, can actually have a net-negative impact by creating a vicious cycle in which employee desires and organizational spending fuel each other.

The finding is that organizations need to help shape people’s understanding of their experience and that in doing so, they will have largely satisfied 32% more employees than their counterparts have, at a 32% lower cost. The article provides a three-part process to follow.

Read Full Article / Listen: https://hbr.org/2020/07/why-employee-experience-initiatives-fall-short (Harvard Business Review)

Did you know, Adoreboard are a Gartner ‘Cool Vendor’ in Artificial Intelligence for Customer Analytics?
Find out more here.

Scaling Customer Success: How A RACI Matrix Can Take You From Chaos To Seamless Coordination

At some point customer success becomes a company-wide initiative and a couple of CS Managers can’t keep an army of customers happy on their own. How you organize that transition could make or break you in the years to come and the RACI Matrix is one tool you can use to scale your CS initiatives.

RACI is an acronym that identifies the four different roles employees can play in accomplishing specific tasks related to customer success. RACI stands for: Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed. Read the full piece and download the free Google Sheets template to create your own.

Read Full Article: https://customerimperative.com/scaling-customer-success-how-a-raci-matrix-can-take-you-from-chaos-to-seamless-coordination/ (Jeff Breunsbach, Customer Imperative)

Interview: 5 minutes with…Doug Noland, Executive Director, Patient Partnerships, Astellas Pharma

Over the past two years, Astella has been putting in place infrastructure around developing patient and caregiver experience. Whilst this short interview is not packed with stats and actionable insights, it serves to show the value being placed in these areas of human experience.

“We are building a global team to connect advocacy groups and patients around the world with an authentic platform so we can deepen our learnings of their experiences. This feedback will help us better understand what matters to them and to help inform our decisions.”

Read Full Interview: https://patientfocusedmedicine.org/5-minutes-withdoug-noland-head-of-patient-experience-astellas-pharma/ (Gary Finnegan, Patient Focused Medicine)

Corporate Values, Q2 2020 (Forrester Report)

The number of consumers making purchase decisions based on a business’s values and the number of employees seeking out employers that align with their personal values is growing. Companies that acknowledge these values and can authentically align themselves will grow faster than their competition. 

Authenticity is key and artificial values for marketing purposes can cause outrage and backfire. Commitment and consistency will win you customers and make your employees more productive and loyal. 

The report references examples, including Gillette’s ‘We Believe’ controversy, Target’s loyalty emphasis on charitable donations and Adoreboard’s work with Allstate NI on employee engagement (case study coming soon).

Forrester Report (login required): https://www.forrester.com/report/Research+Overview+Corporate+Values+Q2+2020/-/E-RES160818 (By Emily Collins, Sarah Dawson, Nick Monroe, Rick Parrish, Anjali Lai, Jim Nail with Harley Manning, Brian Mukasa, Shayna Neuburg, Forrester, June 2020)

Forrester EX Measurement Best Practices Report

Forrester EX Measurement Best Practices: New Data Sources, New Insights, More Accountability

KPIs And Business Practices In The Time Of Coronavirus

As consumers, I think most of us can relate to the feeling presented in the opening paragraphs of this article. For those of us in CX, many aspects of customer support (CS) seem so obvious, however  often ‘helpful’ CS can be patronizing and leave the customer more frustrated than when they first opened the support ticket.

One example pointed out is Ticketmaster and their Covid-19 response. Part of me would love to roll out Emotics, do some research and dedicate an entire article to Ticketmaster’s CX (and in particular, Ticketmaster UK & Ticketmaster Ireland) — Yes, I too have had some of my worst CS experiences with Ticketmaster, long before Covid-19 and the taste still lingers.

The article talks about empathy and how we need to shift away from the monetary values of tactics and objectives and move toward measuring humanity for the sake of your customers. There is loads of advice in this article, including around NPS and CSAT, but ultimately, summarized by, “What they [customers] want is a drop of humanity, a bit of truth and honesty in the face of something genuinely terrifying and unprecedented for all of us. Make sure you give it to them.”

Read Full Article: https://www.helpscout.com/blog/covid-metrics-kpis/ (Shervin Talieh, Health Scout)

Employee Experience Is More Important Than Ever During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Many employee perks have focused on the physical office space which may not be as relevant today. The time is now to reset employee experience and create a more meaningful and lasting emotional connection between the employee and their employer.

Source: The 2020 HR Sentiment Survey, Future Workplace LLC

Future Workplace defines employee experience as the sum of all experiences an employee has with their employer over the duration of their relationship – from recruitment, to on-boarding and career development, to exiting the organization.

This article is packed with great information. If you’re an EX or HR professional, grab a coffee and prepare for a good read!

Read Full Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeannemeister/2020/06/08/employee-experience-is-more-important-than-ever-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/#1c4a226034bc (Jeanne Meister, Forbes)

CX Metrics For Alignment And Change Management

We all love freebies and closing out our Forrester ‘club sandwich’ is a complimentary webinar on using CX metrics to inspire alignment and change. During this complimentary Forrester webinar, you’ll learn how to: 

  • Determine the metrics that matter for executive alignment on your CX transformation 
  • Connect metrics to employee behaviors that drive customer-centric culture 
  • Drive interest in CX across the organization 
  • Make metrics actionable for employee coaching

Register (or watch!): https://go.forrester.com/cx-metrics-webinar/ (Forrester webinar ft Faith Adams & Angelina Gennis)

If you’d like a personalised demo of Emotics, our human experience measurement, customer journey and emotion analytics platform click here — we can collect data from social media or Glassdoor to give you a demo using relevant data.

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