HX Roundup October 2020 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

This month’s HX Roundup includes the best in Human Experience from the past month or so, with articles from; My Customer, Nursing Times, Slack, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Zendesk, Qualtrics, Tethr and Hubspot.


6 Ways To Drive CX Addiction At Your Organisation

Claire Sporton takes a look at the six ingredients that drive behavioural addiction according to Adam Alter in his book ‘Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology’. She breaks each down and builds them back up the context of CX and how they can be used to make customer experience irresistibile at your organisation.

The same mechanics are used in gaming and many gamification platforms. It’s a short read that gets your creative juices flowing.

Read Full Article: https://www.mycustomer.com/community/blogs/claire-sporton/6-ways-to-drive-cx-addiction-at-your-organisation (Claire Sporton, Founder  Sporton Consulting on My Customer)

Rewiring How We Work: Building A New Employee Experience For A Digital-first World

Recently, Slack launched their Future Forum, a consortium to help companies make the transformations necessary to thrive in the new economy. This article is about the launch of their quarterly report, the Remote Employee Experience Index, what it measures and the first results.

The Index is based on data from 4,700 workers in the US, the UK, France, Germany, Japan and Australia who are primarily working remotely. The first set of data shows that knowledge workers are generally more satisfied with working remotely than they were with office-based work. The biggest increases are seen in:

  • Work-life balance (+25.7)
  • Satisfaction with working arrangement (+20.1)
  • Managing work-related stress and anxiety (+17.3)
  • Productivity (+10.7)

This is a beefy piece that includes the biggest myths about remote work that the index dispels. Well worth taking the time to read for anyone working in HR or employee experience.

Read Full Article: https://slack.com/intl/en-gb/blog/transformation/remote-employee-experience-index-launch (Brian Elliott, VP of Slack on Future Forum)

Covid-19 Has Made Us Redefine The Good Patient Experience

Joanne McAllister, is a nurse and head of patient and service user experience at an NHS trust talks about the future of patient experience and how it goes beyond current surveys and questions.

“What feels like an ordinary day at work is often extraordinary for a patient.”

Compassionate care and treating patients with dignity and respect at an individual level are what patients and their loved ones remember. This does not cost money, or even time, but is fundamental to delivering a good-quality patient experience — people will forgive mechanical elements such as long waits or canceled appointments if they are treated with respect.

From the technical, such as virtual visits to the simple whiteboard and acts of kindness, Joanne hopes the innovations borne out of the COVID-19 pandemic will lead to a more human-centric, recalibrated, personalised experience of NHS care.

Read Full Article: https://www.nursingtimes.net/opinion/covid-19-has-made-us-redefine-the-good-patient-experience-05-10-2020/ (Joanne McAllister is head of patient and service user experience and nurse at the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group on Nursing Times)

Did you know?

Adoreboard has recently been appointed to power patient experience for Healthscope. It’s Emotion AI technology, Emotics, is now being used across 43 hospitals in Australia.

Jeffrey Woods, National Patient Experience Manager at Healthscope said:

“We are in the business of human caring and humans are emotional beings, this means we can all relate to emotions. Adoreboard’s Emotics helps our frontline staff connect the dots in far more meaningful and empathetic ways. This improves speed to insight and ultimately the patient outcome by enabling us to prioritise decisions based on emotional intensity in any feedback.”

Find out more here.

Adoreboard appointed by Healthscope

14 Ways To Innovate Your Customer Experience [+Examples]

This post does exactly what it says in the title. If you’re looking for a quick list of ideas for innovation, a short paragraph and link to a relevant example, you’re in the right place. There’s something for everyone, from those who are just beginning to move online, to more seasoned professionals.

A few of the innovations and examples listed include appointing a customer success manager, responding to online reviews, gamification of the pre and post purchase process, being proactive rather than reactive to customer experience and improving the mobile experience.

Read Full Article: https://blog.hubspot.com/service/customer-innovation (Clint Fontanella, Hubspot)

Become A CX Champion—best Practices For You And Your Team

Zendesk partnered with ESG Research to survey 1,000 CX leaders around the globe and build a framework around CX maturity and CX success. They identified three levels of maturity: the Champions, the Risers, and the Starters.

The framework identifies the areas in which Champions excel and drives their CX success. Success that includes findings such agents at Champion organisations handling nearly double the requests of those at Starter organisations and their average first response time being an hour faster than the Starters.

Read Full Article: https://www.zendesk.com/blog/cx-maturity-best-practices/ (Andrew Lawson, SVP of Zendesk EMEA)

Your Employee Engagement Survey Could Be Broken, If You’re Making This One Big Mistake

Most employee engagement surveys ask a bunch of questions and then are handed over to someone who may or may not analyse them and take action. The employees input their answers and then wait in hope for change to come. This in itself is not engaging.

And engagement is important. If your survey causes employees to passively wait for their manager to improve their engagement, you are already doing the opposite of engaging employees. Read on to find out more.

Read Full Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/markmurphy/2020/10/18/your-employee-engagement-survey-could-be-broken-if-youre-making-this-one-big-mistake/ (Mark Murphy, Founder of LeadershipIQ on Forbes)

In Conversation With Matt Dixon: Use Unstructured Data To Give Your Cx Program The Edge It Needs

Luke and Matt discuss the power of unstructured data — data such as recorded phone conversations, chat interactions, social media comments and user reviews that is not formally structured and the benefits Tethr organisations are gaining from analysing unstructured voice calls.

By detecting which calls went well and which went poorly, insights can be gleaned from voice conversations and automatically brought back into other parts of the organization, essentially elevating the call center beyond its primary function and using it as a “listening post” for the enterprise.

Read Full Article: https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/unstructured-data-in-cx-program/  (Luke Williams of Qualtrics & Matt Dixon, Chief Product and Research Officer of Tethr)

Customer Science: Is There More To It Than Just A Repackaging Of Old Ideas?

Colin talks about customer science being the fusion between technology (mainly AI), behavioural science and data. He describes how organisations often use scientific principles in other areas such as products, finance and operations, but not customers and that without an in-depth understanding of customer behaviour, organisations can’t interpret the data or adequately train their AI. 

Most customer segmentation is too basic despite data often being there that has potential to improve segmentation. Unlike Net Promoter Score (NPS), when you look at people’s psychological attributes you can infer something about the why in their behaviour and see what they want. 

Read Full Article: https://www.mycustomer.com/marketing/data/customer-science-is-there-more-to-it-than-just-a-repackaging-of-old-ideas  (Colin Shaw Founder & CEO  Beyond Philosophy on My Customer)

Employee Engagement: How To Get Remote Workers To Care About Your Business As Much As You Do

Following on from the Forbes piece, this article reaffirms employee engagement being one of the key drivers of success and that it is even more important than ever for remote workforces. However if improving employee engagement for an onsite workforce is difficult, it’s even more challenging for a remote workforce.

Packed with stats and information, this article includes 9 actionable tips for how you can improve engagement with your remote team.

Read Full Article: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/357970 (Adam Jacobs Managing Director Bubblegum Casting & Hunter Talent on Entrepreneur.com)

That’s this month’s HX Roundup complete!

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