The Ice Bucket Challenge: How going Viral made a Difference

To all those who took part in the ice bucket challenge, your icy ordeal may have paid off. The Ice Bucket Challenge was quite the online phenomenon around the world in summer 2014. The challenge saw people dunking a bucket of ice cold water over their heads and sharing the video on social media. The […]

emotional customer experience

Which Airline provides the Best Customer Service?

With summer now in full swing, many of you are counting down the days until your well-deserved summer holiday – only 62 more sleeps for me!  While some of you have had your holidays planned for months, I’m sure that many are still holding out for a last minute deal. We know that the airline […]

The Emotion behind the Emoji

The use of emojis has changed the way we communicate. We have gotten so used to using a simple emoji to describe our feelings instead of using actual words. It has become a universal language. The 17th July marked World Emoji Day and Twitter celebrated by tweeting out the below infographic that displays the top […]

Trump Plagiarism Scandal: The Unexpected Reaction

This week saw the the Republican National Convention (RNC) take place in Cleveland, during which delegates from the US Republican party choose their nomination for President and Vice President of the United States. This year’s Republican candidate is none other that Donald J. Trump, an American businessman and TV personality with some controversial views. Donald’s […]

The Pokémon Invasion: The Good and the Bad

Pokémon Go has been released in the UK this week, taking the gaming world by storm. The mobile application was already available in the US, Australia and Germany. The app allows users to use the camera function in their smartphone to roam a map using GPS location data and catch Pokémon in various locations around […]

3 Real Life Examples That Prove Emotional Marketing Drives Real ROI

Marketing blogs the web over are teeming with articles and infographics extolling the benefits of emotional marketing. However, something these articles often distinctly lack is hard data, more specifically, data on the impact emotional marketing has had on companies bottom lines. Anecdotal case studies about how emotional marketing boosted Facebook likes for a campaign are […]

Can Technology and Artificial Intelligence Save Healthcare?

The adoption of technology in healthcare is on the rise, from apps designed to track health to artificial intelligence systems used to improve diagnosis rates and treatment options. Is technology the future of health? We take a look at two recent developments in the field from two major tech companies: Apple and Google.   Apple […]

Spice Girls’ “Girl Power” Returns to Tackle Inequality

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the Spice Girls’ first single ‘Wannabe’. Who would have thought it was 20 years ago that platforms, pigtails and PVC were a thing? This week their major debut music video was given a feminist makeover by the UN movement Global Goals. The aim of the movement, launched in […]

Game of Thrones: Which Ruler is the Most Loved or Loathed? (Contains Spoilers)

This week marked the end of Game of Thrones for another year. Season 6 ended in typical dramatic Game of Thrones style. The episode “Winds of Winter” written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss reached an all time ratings high for HBO with 8.89 million viewers tuning in to watch the final episode. **SPOILER ALERT: […]