HX Roundup April 2020 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

This month’s Human Experience round up includes pieces from McKinsey, Forbes CMO Network, CMS Wire, Heart of the Customer.


Adapting Customer Experience In The Time Of Coronavirus 

McKinsey dig into four CX practices that can frame short-term responses, build resilience, and prepare customer-forward companies for success in the days after coronavirus. They are: focusing on care and connection; meeting customers where they are today; reimagining CX for a post-COVID-19 world; and building capabilities for a fast-changing environment.

Read Full Article: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/adapting-customer-experience-in-the-time-of-coronavirus (by Rachel Diebner, Elizabeth Silliman, Kelly Ungerman, and Maxence Vancauwenberghe, McKinsey & Company)

Three Ways to Show Business Impact for Your CX Program

Taking insights found from “CX for Skeptics: Showing the ROI of CX”, Jim shows you three ways to demonstrate the impact of your CX program in a way that will please your strongest executive critic:

  • End-to-End CX Impact
  • Behavioral or Operational CX Impact
  • Journey CX Impact

For details on each of the three methods and other useful steps, head on over to Heart of the Customer for the full article.

Read Full Article: https://heartofthecustomer.com/three-ways-to-show-business-impact-for-your-cx-program/ (Jim Tincher, Heart of the Customer)

Why Invest In Employee Experience? Six (Proven) Reasons

Did you know that according to author Jacob Morgan in The Employee Experience Advantage, EX leaders have 40% less employee turnover than their competitors? This and many other stats can be found in this Forbes article. A summary of the reasons discussed are.

  1. Less Employee Turnover
  2. Better Employee Work Performance
  3. Greater Revenue And More Profits
  4. Increased Employee Engagement
  5. Better Customer Experience
  6. Increased Innovation

Definitely worth taking the time for a full read!

Read Full Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/03/31/why-invest-in-employee-experience-six-proven-reasons/#63ce0c4a7d42 (Michael Hinshaw, Forbes Council)

Does Your Customer Experience Grow With Your Company?

How do you scale customer experience? Companies start small, and the ones that succeed, grow. But the customer experiences that worked for a small company may not scale with the company as it grows, so what strategies can businesses turn to?

Phil Britt talks to Paul Hagen, senior principal in the customer experience practice from West Monroe Partners about how businesses can scale the personal touch.

Read Full Article: https://www.cmswire.com/customer-experience/does-your-customer-experience-grow-with-your-company/ (Phil Britt, CMS Wire)

Four Steps To Re-Think Customer Experience In The Coronavirus Crisis

Having experienced big changes recently in the way products are consumed and created, Stphen Wunker talks about how designing experiences for a coronavirus world is a fundamentally different proposition than what people responsible for CX were doing just two months ago.

Read on for 4 chunky tips around innovation in CX, re-thinking jobs to be done and customer journey mapping.

Read Full Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/stephenwunker/2020/04/06/four-steps-to-re-think-customer-experience-in-the-coronavirus-crisis/#3e67d83758dc (Stephen Wunker, Forbes CMO Network)

7 Global CX Experts Reveal How to Prove the Business Value of Customer Experience

Less than one in four CX initiatives can demonstrate business impact in the form of tangible benefits. Bob (and seven experts) tell us it’s not too late to get your act together and explain why your company needs a CX initiative.

Each of the highly respected global CX industry experts were asked to answer three key questions:

  • What have you found to be a successful approach to CX justification?
  • Do CX benefits tend to come from improving customer satisfaction and increasing revenue, or from improving operations and decreasing cost?
  • What skills should CX professionals develop to be more effective at building and selling a CX business case?

The responses are concise, insightful and varied.

Read Full Article: https://customerthink.com/7-global-cx-experts-reveal-how-to-prove-the-business-value-of-customer-experience/ (Bob Thompson, Customer Think)

AI Can Overhaul Patient Experience, But Knowing Its Limitations Is Key

Certain healthcare use cases are ripe for AI, but still must provide a human touch to truly benefit patient experience. Nagi Prabhu, chief product officer at Solutionreach and Kevin Pawl, senior director of patient access at Boston Children’s Hospital discuss the pros and cons of AI, how striking a balance is key and include examples of how AI and automation is currently being used in healthcare.

Read Full Article:  https://www.mobihealthnews.com/news/ai-can-overhaul-patient-experience-knowing-its-limitations-key (Dave Muoio, MobiHealthNews)

3 Things To Consider With Your CX Program During COVID-19

Do you need to update your CX program for coronavirus? Analytics expert, William Braun recommends using a targeted approach for surveys specific to COVID-19, and keeping your Experience Tracking surveys relatively untouched, will help you collect these insights and act quickly, while maintaining a representative view of COVID-19’s impact on overall sentiment about your digital experience.

Read more: https://customerthink.com/3-things-to-consider-with-your-cx-program-during-covid-19/ (William Braün, Customer Think)

The Impact Of Employee Experience On Customer Experience

“When you see employee and customer experience as two sides of the same coin, the dividends you reap are unlimited” — we couldn’t agree more.

The link between employee experience and customer experience has been noted by many research studies, taking insight from Gallup’s “State of the American Workplace” survey which recognized that happy employees are key to creating happy customers. It also found happiness does not guarantee what should be the bottom line of employee engagement: improved business outcomes and that in the US,, disengaged employees cost organizations an estimated $450 to $550 billion per year.

Read Full Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/03/30/the-impact-of-employee-experience-on-customer-experience/ (Sagi Eliyahu, Forbes Councils Member)

Enhancing Your NPS Program With Emotional Analytics – by John Gusiff

And finally, just around the corner on the next page we have a guest post by John Gusiff (Managing Partner of Customer Centric Solutions LLC) on how you can enhance your NPS insights with emotion analytics. 

One of the major challenges people started to see with NPS was that while it was simple to implement and measure, and was a good predictor of customer advocacy/loyalty, it didn’t tell you the underlying reason why a given customer was a promoter, passive, or detractor. In other words, it wasn’t actionable of itself if you wished to improve advocacy and loyalty…

Read Full Article: https://adoreboard.com/blog/enhancing-your-nps-program-with-emotional-analytics-by-john-gusiff (John Gusiff, Managing Partner of Customer Centric Solutions LLC)

That’s all, folks. Enjoy! 

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