HX Roundup April 2021 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

HX Human Experience roundup April 2021

Qualtrics, Zendesk, Diginomica, Dynatrace, CMS Wire & Martech Series all feature in this month’s HX Roundup;  the best in Human Experience from the past month or so.


What Is CX And How Has It Changed In 2021?

According to Zendesk’s 2021 Customer Experience Trends Report, half of all customers say that CX is more important to them now than it was a year ago, before COVID-19 really hit home. And it seems consumer behaviour changed for good. For example, for the 64 percent of customers who used a new support channel for the first time in 2020, 73 percent said they planned to continue using it.

This Zendesk piece looks at the role of Customer Support in terms of CX, how the pandemic has affected CX and how to meet your shifting customer expectations.

Read Full Article: https://www.zendesk.com/blog/what-is-cx (Patrick Grieve, Zendesk)

7 Tips for Driving More Insight from Open Ended Questions

Open-ended questions provide rich narratives and often are the source of golden nuggets of insight. Used alongside closed questions and metrics such as NPS and CSAT, these qualitative, open-ended questions provide enhanced insights and often unearth the reasoning (aka the ‘why’) behind numerical / quantitative scores.

NPS question analysis customer employee experience

Adoreboard analyst, Ashlin Maguire, provides seven tips for designing open-ended questions to elicit the most insightful information from your survey and questionnaire participants alongside techniques and practical examples on how to reframe closed questions to open.

Read Full Article: https://adoreboard.com/blog/7-tips-for-driving-more-insight-from-open-ended-questions 

Qualtrics Work Different – Three Customers Experiences Of The Criticality Of Experience Management

Stuart presents three powerful use cases that demonstrate the benefits of Experience Management from Volkswagen, Albertsons and Uber Eats. 

Whatever industry you’re in, you’ll be sure to take away a few golden nuggets from how these three companies optimised their experiences. One even stated, “we were able to increase our sales by 300%, literally overnight.”

Read Full Article: https://diginomica.com/qualtrics-work-different-three-customers-experiences-criticality-experience-management (Stuart Lauchlan, Diginomica)

Unlocking Total Experience: Dive Into One Of Gartner’s Strategic Tech Trends For 2021

One of Gartner’s strategic tech trends for 2021 is that of Total Experience (TX), something that  creates superior, interconnected experiences for customers and employees, all the while driving digital transformation. Not unlike Adoreboard’s take on Human Experience (HX).

This piece provides an overview of the TX trend and two strategies as regards how you can apply TX to your organization.

Read Full Article: https://stefanini.com/en/trends/news/unlocking-total-experience-dive-into-one-of-gartner-tech-trends- (Stefanini Group)

Five Questions With Forrester Analyst: The State Of The UK Retail Landscape

In a webinar follow-up, Michelle Beeson answers five retail-focused questions from Dynatrace:

  1. What is going to happen to those companies that don’t invest [in digital transformation] and is the demand still going to be there in five years’ time for brick-and-mortar organizations?
  2. What are retailers doing to ensure the online experience is the same as what you’d get in-store, 24/7?
  3. How are businesses using data in a meaningful way and how will this continue to evolve with the market?
  4. How are consumer expectations changing the way retail organizations are digitally transforming and what is the cost of that?
  5. How are retailers retaining brand loyalty as they shift to a digital way of working?

You can also watch the full webinar “Next Generation CX: The state of the UK Retail landscape”, featuring guest Michelle Beeson.

Read Full Article: https://www.dynatrace.com/news/blog/the-state-of-the-uk-retail-landscape/ (Jason Tooley, Dynatrace with Michelle Beeson, Forrester analyst)

The Differences Between Customer Service, Experience and Excellence

Anthony explains the difference in these three terms using a customer journey. A potential client/customer opens a bank account via the bank website, starting out with a chatbot and moving to a customer service agent. This is their first experience; the semi-automated customer service, followed by and including the pleasant experience of the human support. If these positive experiences are repeated consistently, then the business moves to a stage of customer excellence.

He provides four ways in which any business can move forward towards true customer excellence and ultimately, gain customer loyalty and advocacy.

Read Full Article: https://www.cmswire.com/customer-experience/the-differences-between-customer-service-experience-and-excellence/ (Anthony Macciola, ABBYY on CMS Wire)

Three Trends Transforming CX In 2021

A quick dive into three trends that have the potential to improve CX during 2021:

1: Proactive contact deflection (the ‘silver bullet’)
If you’re looking for a silver bullet, this is as close as you’re likely to get; help customers to help themselves by being proactive in providing easy-to-access guidance and support.

2: Chatbots need support or they might negatively impact CX
A survey by goMoxie revealed that just 22 percent of respondents had a positive impression of chatbots. Assess how your chatbots perform and consider information snippets, search and human interaction may enhance the experience.

3: Artificial intelligence will fuel self-service
Ultimately, many current chatbots are early stage AI. Whilst the technology might not be quite here yet for chatbots, there are other areas of your business that AI can assist in data analysis to reveal insights that can identify issues and thus enable you to proactively address issues an enable self-service.

Read Full Article: https://martechseries.com/mts-insights/guest-authors/three-trends-transforming-cx-in-2021/ (Tara Sporrer, GoMoxie on Martech Series)

Post-pandemic: How consumer behaviour will continue to change (Qualtrics Report)

Qualtrics spoke to nearly 18,000 people all over the world for this, their biggest consumer study to date, into how customer behaviour will change as economies re-open. During the pandemic, more than 75% of consumers switched to online channels to run errands and stay connected, much of this change is here to stay.

HX-roundup-qualtricsSource: Qualtrics

In the report, you will learn how consumer behaviour is expected to change across 17 industries, the impact that experience has on trust and advocacy and the key factors that drive purchasing decisions. 

Get Report: https://www.qualtrics.com/au/lp/ebook/customer-experience-trends-2021 (Qualtrics)

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Customer Success Career Guide: Customer Success Job Titles, Descriptions, & Salary

If you’re considering a career in CX or are already working in the industry, this piece gives a useful overview of the various job titles, descriptions and responsibilities alongside salary for the US.

Managerial roles in onboarding, success and operations sit around the $70,000 USD mark, whilst Chief Customer Officers, Presidents, Directors and similar executive roles can earn upwards of $200,000 USD or a lower base pay plus bonuses.

Read Full Article: https://churnzero.net/cs-career-guide-customer-success-job-titles-descriptions-salary/ (Cori Pearce, ChurnZero)

That’s this month’s HX Roundup complete! 

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