HX Roundup November 2019 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

Welcome to the November edition of our HX Roundup where we’ll be delivering you the cream of the past month or so in experience-related articles and reports from across the globe. From big brands to small independents you’ll find a curated list right here (or sign up to have it delivered directly to your inbox).

Sources this month include Forrester, Forbes, Blake Morgan, Chris Johnston and Adrian Swinscoe.


EX Measurement Best Practices: What Are The Right Metrics And Data Sources

Forrester principal analysts Maxie Schmidt and Samuel Stern tackle Employee Experience (EX) in this Forrester blog post. They highlight the importance of measuring EX and how companies tend to focus on surveys and overlook other insights or metrics available that can help them fully understand their employees. 

This blog summarises their recent Forrester report “Employee Experience (EX) Measurement Best Practices: New Data Sources, New Insights and More Accountability” in which Adoreboard’s work with Allstate NI is featured. 

You can get a copy of this report with complements of Forrester here

Source: Forrester, Maxie Schmidt & Samuel Stern, Sept 12, 2019

10 Examples Of How Employee Experience Impacted Business Performance

CX thought-leader Blake Morgan is at it again with a great piece on how employee experience has impacted business performance with real-life examples. Through this article she emphasises the importance of investing in employees and how the stock prices in Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For list rose by 14% per year from 1998 to 2005. 

Examples include Workday, Campbell’s Soup, SAP, HP and Hilton.

Source: Forbes, Blake Morgan, Nov 7, 2019

The Shocking Stats That Shook The World of CX in 2019

MyCustomer have put together a compilation of statistics and research in CX from the past year. The article highlights how far CX measurement and understanding has come in 2019 and how it is set to be the key differentiator for businesses in 2020.

Neil Davey emphasises how CX spend will continue to grow next year, the number of businesses that still lack “customer understanding” and how customers are now viewing experience as more important than price.

Source: MyCustomer, Neil Davey, Nov 25, 2019

Are Your Surveys Aligned To Your Customer’s Journey?

Keynote speaker and CX punk Adrian Swinscoe’s latest Forbes article draws from his personal experience of the misalignment between customer feedback surveys and the customer journey. He asks the question “Why is it that so many companies still get it so wrong when it comes to asking their customers for feedback?”

The misalignment comes across “clumsy” and that their survey effort is “driven more by process” that actual customer understanding. Through this article he reminds brands that customer “feedback is a gift” they are not obliged to provide. Therefore, more effort should be put into having a full view of the customer journey and experience.

Source: Forbes, Adrian Swinscoe, Nov 10, 2019.

Net Promoter Score: Should Staff Bonuses Be Tied to NPS?

Stacy Sherman, Director of Customer and Employee Experience at Schindler Elevator Corp takes to MyCustomer to outline her opinion on the pros and cons of linking staff bonuses to NPS.

Stacy believes that Net Promoter Score is a “valuable leading indicator of customer loyalty” but she also states that “the drivers of NPS are important to measure too”. Having a full understanding of what is driving the NPS score can equip managers with the insight to make informed business decisions on a strategic and tactical level.

The article concludes with six advantages of linking NPS to employee compensation and six reasons against it.

Source: MyCustomer, Stacy Sherman, Nov 18, 2019.


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