Infographic: Are Pensions a Key Differentiator for Millennial Employee Experience?


We partnered with Franklin Templeton Investments to take a unique look into emotions of Millennials (Generation DC) in relation to workplace pensions and responsible investment. We surveyed over 2,700 full-time workers between the age of 22 and 38 in the UK, to pinpoint the intensity of emotional responses to the key themes of responsible investing.

The research revealed that there is a clear misalignment between employers and employees when it comes to understanding the Millennial employees’ values when it comes to pension investment. The infographic below provides you with a break down of the methodology, key findings, and takeaways from the research.

The Power of Emotions – Key Stats and Takeaways

Infographic version of The Power of Emotions: The Emotional Experience Gap report. You can download a copy of the full report here.

Power of emotion - millennial employee experience report stats

The measurement of employee experience measurement is more important than ever as they allow companies to fully understand their employees and what is important to them. Pensions are constantly overlooked and thought to be perceived as “boring” but this research evidences that once you dig deeper into the emotion of your employees it can reveal clear opportunities for EX differentiation.

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