Why is McIlroy more adored than Nike?


Using Analytics to maximise brand sponsorship

New research has revealed that Rory McIlory’s public popularity is now higher than the three main global brands. The World famous golfer has now overtaken Nike, Bose and the Swiss watchmaker Omega, according to our research.

The study tracked McIlroy for more than six months. During the six months, McIlroy called off his engagement to the tennis star Caroline Wozniaki in May 2015, which dipped the his ratings significantly. To contrast, his popularity rocketed during the golf star’s Open championship in July and the Ryder Cup triumphs in September.

The report details the ways in which analytics can be utilised to create brand alignment, in just three steps:

1. Challenge assumptions

Use data analytics to discover concepts your audience associate with your brand.

2. Match target audience

Use data analytics to surface demographic data and see if they match with your prospective sponsors.

3. Benchmark performance

Pick some role model brands and use analytics to understand how they create alignment with their customers.

What metrics can you introduce to achieve a deeper insight beyond traditional and rational approaches? Download our report now and see how Adoreboard can benefit you.

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