United Airlines Report: How Human Experience Impacts the Bottom Line

We all remember the United Airlines “involuntary deboarding” scandal of 2017, where a video showing Dr David Dao being violently dragged off an overbooked United Airlines flight took the internet by storm. Immediately after the video went viral United’s stock price plummeted and hoards of people took to social to share their disgust for the shocking event.

At Adoreboard, we measure Human Experience (HX) through our emotion AI platform Emotics. We were interested to see the impact of the scandal on both the customer experience (CX) and the employee experience (EX) to find out if both had a similar impact on the stock price of the company.

Our Data Scientists analysed both social media posts and glass door reviews of United between February 2017 to June 2017 (two months prior and post the scandal). Our emotion AI platform can analyse for 24 emotions to reveal the key drivers behind the customer and employee experience and provide decision-ready insights for companies and employers to act to prevent or pacify scandals or crisis such as this.

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