Adoreboard Report Exposes Reasons for Tenant Dissatisfaction in Housing Associations

Adoreboard analysed 24,600 customer reviews across 49 housing associations to find that ‘tenant-management interaction’ is holding back tenant satisfaction by 8%. The recently released report covers a period between September 2012 to February 2023.

[PRESS RELEASE – Belfast, Northern Ireland]

This in-depth analysis by Adoreboard identified key themes and emotional intensities from tenants and provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) standard.

There are several concerns identified by the Adoreboard platform in the tenant feedback. Each area of concern is measured against an Adorescore metric – a measure of emotional intensity presented as a score between -100 and 100 representing the volume of positive and negative themes within a data sample.

The quality of repairs was particularly relevant and important to the tenant as evidenced by a ‘Very Poor’ Adorescore of -40. The analysis found that general maintenance was the second largest theme making up 21% of comments and generating a ‘Very Poor’ Adorescore of -51.

Comments included concerns about eating and hot water, mould and dampness, and cleanliness. Furthermore, 29% of comments related to the landlord’s approach to handling complaints.

This research comes at a crucial time for housing associations as the UK Government has announced new legislation which mandates housing associations to collect regular tenant surveys to improve communication and resolve issues effectively.

“Housing associations are listening to their tenants, but it’s a challenge to know what matters most to tenant experience. Understanding the emotional drivers of tenant satisfaction is crucial to meeting new legislative standards.” – Chris Johnston, Adoreboard’s Chief Executive Officer.

Adoreboard’s platform enables detailed insights into the key drivers of tenant experience, especially when combined with the TSM standard. The platform can support housing associations by offering almost instant predictive insights through conducting the now mandatory tenant surveys.

The largest Housing Association in the U.K, Clarion, has benefited from Adoreboard’s platform to listen to their tenants’ concerns and identify efficient and effective solutions.

Adoreboard offers housing associations an easy and affordable way to collect tenant feedback across all digital channels and enables housing associations to meet new legal obligations by predicting and identifying what drives tenant satisfaction.

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