Toneapi launches with exclusive on Product Hunt

Adoreboard are delighted to announce today’s official beta launch of Toneapi, the emotion analysis tool used to analyse millions of tweets during the UK General Election. And you can get free instant access via Product Hunt…

Adoreboard to host masterclass at Social Media Week 2015, London

Adoreboard are delighted to announce their Social Media Week masterclass “Storytelling: Why Emotions and Data Matter”. The class will offer a practical guide to finding the brand content gold between emotion and data to tell more compelling stories using real world study on #1 golfer, Rory McIlroy.

What does Adoreboard do?

Having been at Adoreboard for several months now, I’m often asked “what does Adoreboard do?” And having being recently featured in Research Live – the leading destination for international market researchers and consumer insight professionals – I thought it would be good to provide a short overview.

What work culture initiatives drive Adoreboard success?

I’ve been working with Adoreboard for 6 months now and thought it was a good time to provide some insight as to what is driving success in this Belfast startup. A lot of it boils down to culture and values within the workplace…

How would you feel if you were $$,$$$ better off…per month?

This is exactly what we’ve achieved for a number of our clients over recent months. Maybe we could do the same for you? Whether you’re working on your own brand or on behalf of clients, you can’t beat a bit of time-saving automation and innovative insights. Recently clients have told us Adoreboard is saving them a full wage and winning them new business…

Front End Engineer

Adoreboard is a tech start-up, which creates beautifully crafted software for marketers across the world. Our software helps marketers make better decisions everyday by helping them understand how their customers feel about their brand online. We’re looking for an exceptional front-end engineer to get stuck in and make a real difference. If this sounds like the gig for you then read on…