HX Roundup January 2020 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

Welcome to the first Human Experience ‘HX Roundup’ of 2020. January has kicked off with some great posts in Customer and Employee Experience. Here we share a few of our favorites, with sources including Venture Beat, Forrester, Customer Think, Harvard Business Review, HR Technologist, Gartner…and two from Jeannie Walters.


Voice of the Customer (VoC): I Hate Every Meeting Except This One [CTO viewpoint]

Paul English is CTO of Lola, the SaaS platform for corporate travel. Not only that, he was previously CTO and co-founder of Kayak and GetHuman (among others), sits on six nonprofit boards, and is an investor in dozens of startups….and he HATES ALL MEETINGS, except this one. We hear ya!

So what’s so special about the VoC meeting? Well, you’ll have to read Paul’s article to find out all the details but I can tell you he took more urgent notes in that one meeting than he had done so in other meetings for the entire month. And it changed their product direction.

This is a short but extremely informative read, giving actionable insight into exactly how Paul and the team structured their meeting, right down to the seating arrangements, for maximum return. If you’re in the product business, this read is a must.

Read Full Article: https://venturebeat.com/2020/01/26/i-hate-every-meeting-except-this-one/ (26 Jan 2020)

Stakeholders: Are You Undervaluing Your Customers?

Set aside some time; this is the big read. Rob Markey is a partner and director at Bain & Company and coauthor of ‘The Ultimate Question 2.0: How Net Promoter Companies Thrive in a Customer-Driven World’ (HBR Press). He also hosts the Net Promoter System podcast, so you could say he knows a thing or two about customers.

The article speaks to stakeholders who are vested in growing a business or company and his research that those who invest in the customer and are at the top of their industries NPS for three years or more grow at a 2.5X rate…ultimately delivering 2-5X the return to investors and shareholders.

Among other things, he suggests three new auditable metrics for customer assets and demonstrates customer value with insightful diagrams. 

This is a meaty article, full of numbers that aims to educate in order to address short-termism and enable companies to establish a more sustainable business.

Read Full Article: https://hbr.org/2020/01/the-loyalty-economy (Jan-Feb 2020 issue)

Forrester: Improving Customer Experience By One Point Can Drive More Than A Billion Dollars In Revenue

Principal analyst, Maxie Schmidt talks us through the calculations Gartner used to put a figure on the $ value of improving CX by one point, as used in their 2019 report “How Customer Experience Drives Business Growth, 2019”.

In the post, Maxie breaks down the three steps and defines the required data to calculate the figure for your own company using the ROX of CX model. It’s interesting to see these figures being broken into simple steps and language. And yes, one point can lead to more than $1B in additional revenue!

Did you know Adoreboard features in Forrester’s “Future of CX Measurement” report and “EX Measurement Best Practice” report?

Read Full Article: https://go.forrester.com/blogs/improving-customer-experience-by-1-point-can-drive-more-than-a-billion-dollars-in-revenue-in-2019/ (13 Jan 2020)

How Complex Does A Customer Journey Map Need To Be?

Industry consultant Valerie Peck gets thinking about three questions that most of us (who have worked on various CX journey mapping) will have asked ourselves at some point;

  • We are B2B, so we are more complex than B2C, aren’t we?
  • We are a startup, so our maps are simple, aren’t they?
  • How complex do our maps need to be to get something out of them?

She demonstrates that most customers want the same thing regardless, that base maps can often be quite simple (and all journey maps should start that way) and that layering or a taxonomy of maps is the way to go; – summary – drill down – deep drill – specialty (persona/channel/department/MOTs, etc.).

This is a fairly in depth post with sample maps and lots of useful information for any journey mapper!

Adoreboard’s Emotics platform can help you understand the emotions felt at each stage of a journey and the reasons why? If you’d like a demo, just ask 🙂

Read Full Article: http://customerthink.com/how-complex-does-a-journey-map-need-to-be/ (13 Jan 2020)

The 14 Universal Journeys of Customer Experience

Mike Boyson shares his 14 universal journeys and personas of customer experience that you should consider, their roles and responsibilities and how services for each should be designed. He talks about how you should only study a common set of customers together as expectations and needs across various groups vary.

Customer Journey planningImage Source: mikeboysen.com

From the “Product Selection Journey” through the “Purchase Journey”, to the “User Journey” and right through to number 14, the “Liquidation Journey”, this is a great read that you can gain a lot from, even with a quick scan.

Read Full Article: https://mikeboysen.com/the-14-universal-journeys-of-customer-experience-db5755d0b8e3 (15 Jan 2020)

How to create data-driven customer journey maps faster: step by step, live data analysis

Blatant ‘customer journey mapping’ webinar plug: If you’d like to see how Adoreboard and Emotics create customer journey maps from unstructured text, check out this webinar.

It’s a live, hands-on 30 minute session. Watch us while we work!


Gartner: How to Measure Customer Emotions

This post provides an overview of the research report in relation to an upcoming event. It includes two key takeaways, including;

Measuring emotion lends deeper insight into customers’ experiences than conventional CX metrics. While conventional CX metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS) or customer satisfaction (CSAT) measure general belief, sentiment or future behavior, measuring customer emotions gives more specific, qualitative insight into why customers think and act the way they do.

Plutchiks wheel emotion Emotics Adoreboard

The report states that “compared to conventional CX practices, measuring emotions can be

somewhat tricky because emotions the customers feel often overlap and intersect”, using Plutchik’s wheel of emotions to demonstrate. 

Did you know Adoreboard is a Gartner Cool Vendor and uses Plutchik’s wheel of emotions as a basis for their emotion AI platform, Emotics?

Read Full Article: https://www.gartner.com/en/conferences/apac/customer-experience-australia/gartner-insights/how-to-measure-customer-emotions (report published November 2019)

Be Wary of “The Year of the Customer”

Jeannie Walters points out that we’re not seeing headlines claiming this year will be “The Year of Sales” or “The Year Payroll Finally Wins” because it’s accepted that selling is an ongoing part of any business and you can’t put payroll on a short-term timeline. 

She goes on to ask why do we act like customer experience is so different and provides three ways to make every year the year of the customer in order to move from a short-term “customer experience is a program” mindset to a long-term “customer experience is just part of business”.

Read Full Article: https://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/be-wary-of-the-year-of-the-customer-02273864 (09 Jan 2020)

20 Customer Experience Commitments for 2020

We all love lists and next up is Jeannie Walters 20 CX commitments for 2020. She includes getting to know your customer journey though customer journey mapping, digging into the data and inviting customers into the process, ensuring your promises are aligned throughout the customer experience, acknowledging “exit” as part of the customer journey — and making it count!

How many are you committed to for 2020?

Read Full Article: https://experienceinvestigators.com/20-cx-commitments-for-2020/ (Jan 2020)

5 Industry Experts on How to Measure Employee Engagement Effectively in 2020

HR experts from Igloo Software, StaffConnect, Globant, Kazoo, and The Predictive Index talk to HR Technologist on how they measure employee experience and engagement. The article features stats around current employee experience, highlighting the need for a smarter and more well-defined approach to measurement.

Common among the expert’s advice to gain true employee insight and understanding is around ongoing measurement using alternative data sources, rather than relying solely on annual surveys. If you’re already an advocate for employee engagement and pressing for budget, you’ll find a few more stats and nuggets of information for your cause, including the link between EX, CX and the bottom line.

Read Full Article: https://www.hrtechnologist.com/articles/employee-engagement/hr-experts-on-how-to-measure-employee-engagement/ (07 Jan 2020)

Gartner: What Do Employee Engagement Surveys Tell You About Employee Experience?

Finally, Gartner warns us not to misread what your employee engagement data tells you about how to improve employee experience.

“Employee engagement remains a valuable baseline measure for any organization,” says Caroline Walsh, Director and Team Manager, Gartner. “But engagement is an outcome of experience; it doesn’t necessarily signal the expectations employees have for their work experience or help you to identify their priorities.”

Of highly engaged employees, fewer than one in four (21%) report having a high-quality experience. As such, high engagement scores can often be a false positive for a good experience.

Similar to other expert recommendations, Gartner goes on to say that “to better understand employees’ priorities, use methods beyond traditional engagement surveys” and goes on to talk about VoE technologies and how to utilise them.

Adoreboard is a Gartner Cool Vendor in AI for Customer Analytics. And yes, we do ‘employee experience’ too; you’ll even find us in Forrester’s EX Measurement Best Practices report.

Read Full Article: https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/what-do-employee-engagement-surveys-tell-you-about-employee-experience/ (24 Jan 2020)

Some good reading to kick off the new year. Enjoy! 

If you’d like a personalised demo of Emotics, our human experience measurement, customer journey and emotion analytics platform click here — we can collect data from social media or Glassdoor to give you a demo using relevant data.

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