HX Roundup October 2019 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

Welcome to our HX Roundup of October where we’ll be delivering you the best experience-related articles and reports from the last month. From big brands to small independents you’ll find a curated list right here (or sign up to have it delivered directly to your inbox).

Sources this month include Denise Lee Yohn at Forbes, Destination CRM, HR Zone, Jeannie Walters, Business 2 Community and others.


The Customer Experience Management Tool That Every CX Leader Must Use

The first article on our roundup is by Denise Lee Yohn, writer for the CMO Network. She outlines the CX Maturity Model a framework that helps CX professionals identify areas of development and improvement in their current CX practices. Through her article she explains how firms can apply the model and outlines in detail the three pillars of the model:

  1. Vision and Strategy
  2. Leadership and Alignment
  3. Organisational Readiness

Source: Forbes, Denise Lee Yohn, October 1st 2019

Employee Experience: Has A “Job For Life” Become A Thing Of The Past?

Next up, is an article from HRzone. Their research shows that 47% of employees are unsatisfied in their current job, with 4 in 10 people wanting to change careers completely. This article outlines three ways employers can engage their employees and improve retention. They outline areas such as getting the culture right, offering flexibility and training.

They emphasise the importance of investing in employee’s development and growth, “Investing in employees and showing them that you want them to succeed will give them a greater sense of self-worth. It’s the kind of employee engagement that attracts and retains staff like bees to honey.”

Source: HRZone, Jamie Mackenzie, October 4th 2019

Concerned About Your Bottom Line? Focus On Employee Experience

This article highlights the changing role of HR and its shift from a purely administrative role to a strategic role in keeping employees motivated and engaged. Julie draws research from the Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report 2019 which found that “employee experience is a bottom-up concept – where processes, places, and workflow are designed around employees’ pre-existing tendencies.” the employee, not the employer should be at the center.” The article delves into the importance of listening to your employees’ needs as a key way to improving engagement and productivity.

Source: Forbes, Julie Jares, October 9th 2019

Is Net Promoter Score Right For You?

Our next article comes from Forrester analyst Maxie Schmidt-Subramanian explaining all things Net Promoter Score (NPS). In this article, she explores the benefits and limitations of NPS to help businesses understand if the metric is the best fit for their customer satisfaction measurement.

She outlines five key questions businesses should ask themselves before using NPS. If you answer the questions clearly you should be able to make a decision of whether the scoring system is right for your business. Maxie also suggests other open-source metrics, proprietary metrics and custom metrics that can be used instead of or in combination with NPS.

Source: Destination CRM,Maxie Schmidt-Subramanian, October 28th 2019

Customer Experience Continues To Get Better Even If Loyalty Doesn’t

If Customer experience is continuing to get better then how can customer loyalty and retention be going down? Shep takes to Forbes to explore this question. With many stats showing the decrease in customer loyalty, the bar for customer service and customer experience is higher than ever. 

The article goes on to talk about the emerging AI and AH space and how this impacts both customer experience and loyalty. Shep goes on to say that the companies that “take advance of the new opportunities technology offers and step up to meet customer’s new standards and expectations are the companies that will find the most success. Those companies win in the form of repeat business, loyalty and reputation among their customer base and beyond.

Source: Forbes, Shep Hyken, October 27th 2019

The Future Of CX: Customer Experience Trends for 2020 And Beyond

This next article is by industry expert Jeannie Walters. In this article, Jeannie predicts what 2020 has in store for the CX space. Interestingly, she doesn’t just focus on the new emerging changes she also takes time to point out the things that won’t change in the future of CX which include the overall importance of customer and employee experience and the impact they have on each other. 

I’m not going to give away her predictions in this post but I highly recommend adding this to your reading list to inspire your plans for 2020 and…beyond.

Source: Business2Community, Jeannie Walters, October 28th, 2019

Don’t miss our upcoming webinar on November 13th at 2 pm: Closing the Employee Emotional Experience Gap. Register for access and free recording.

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