Connected Brands Report: Pharmaceuticals

Pharma CX

Adoreboard partnered with award-winning brand design agency Conran Design Group to conduct a study of the pharmaceutical industry. The study measured how emotionally connected Pharma brands are to their audiences. Analysis used social media interactions and revealed the resulting impact on customer experience.

The study comprised of 44,800 interactions on social media. Analysis included interactions between patients and fourteen global Pharma brands (whose combined market value in the last year was $46.7 billion).

The research, conducted by our team of data analysts, revealed four key issues to do with Pharma brands:

  • 43% of pharma brands are failing to align with patient needs online, as a result this impacts customer experience.
  • They are emotionally ‘disconnected’ to patients and generate 15% more anger and 10% more disgust, compared to the industry benchmark.
  • Pharma brands that are emotionally ‘connected’ to patients generate 8% more trust from patients compared to the industry benchmark.
  • They need to become more emotionally connected with patients in order to to compete and improve on customer experience.

The findings point to a real disconnection between how Pharma companies think they are communicating and, to contrast, how it is understood by their audience. We found that Pharma companies primarily communicate with high levels of Joy and Trust. However, the emotional response by patients in many cases is the opposite. Patients primarily experience high levels of anger, sadness and grief.

Conran Design Group say the insights generated from the research could have positive financial implications for Pharma brands. This is due to the fact that those that are more emotionally ‘connected’ to their patients have an opportunity to develop more meaningful relationships.

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