CX Industry Focus: Top Sports Brands

The rising popularity of clean eating, fitness fads and peoples’ new-found obsession with active-wear is great news for big sports brands. But is it just the product that consumers are interested in? The simple answer is ‘no’. No matter how big the brand or popular the product, customers will always prioritise good service. As human […]

Webinar Takeaways: Transforming the Customer Journey with Deeper Insights

In today’s digitalized society, brands and businesses want what’s best for their customers. They want their customers to have the best possible experiences of their products or services, and one of the ways in which they can achieve this is through customer journey mapping. Put simply, customer journey mapping is noting the ways in which […]

Gartner Customer experience

Gartner Customer Experience Summit: Five Key Takeaways

Thinking time. Everyone needs it for perspective. Attending industry events like the Gartner Customer Experience and Technologies summit hit the spot. As for takeaways, we’ve summarised some research figures worthy of note. Here are the top five, hopefully, this sparks some further thoughts to reflect on your own journey to improving customer experience. 1.   80% […]


CX Focus: Top 5 UK Coffee Chains

“May your Monday be short and your coffee strong” is a quote we can all relate to. Few of us can deny having nipped into our favourite coffee store for a quick caffeine fix, so it’s not surprising that the amount of coffee consumed worldwide every day comes in at a staggering 2.25 billion cups. […]

super bowl

Top 5 Super Bowl Ads 2018

The Super Bowl took place this weekend, with over 100 million people tuning in to watch the Philadelphia Eagles take on the New England Patriots. The massive viewership has created one of the most expensive advertisement time slots for brands. Every year large brands spend millions of dollars carefully crafting ads with the biggest household […]

ethical consumer

Brands Response to the Rise in the Ethical Consumer

The internet and social media have made it easier for consumers to keep informed on ethical issues and to find out what standards their favourite brands hold. More and more customers are considering the impact their purchases have on the world around them.Documentaries such as Cowspiracy and A Plastic Ocean have lead to a huge […]

customer experience

The Future of CX Measurement

Adoreboard’s  leading Emotion AI software solution, has been named for using “common sense reasoning with affective computing,” for Customer Experience improvements, according to the October 2017 Forrester report, The Future of CX Measurement. Adoreboard has been cited in a section of a  report entitled “Upgrade to Analytics That Drive Action”. Adoreboard’s Emotion AI solution, Emotics, produces […]

Beyond NPS: Measuring Customer Experience for UK Banks

Customer experience is one of the last areas that banks have to differentiate themselves. The ability to understand the customer and act on how they feel will be the new frontier for innovation and will mark out those who win in a digital and consumer centric world. The banking industry has been impacted by the […]

Top 5 Online Accommodation Websites for Customer Experience

With holiday season approaching, more and more people are leaving in-store travel agents behind and turning to online accommodation providers to get the best deal for their stay. We analysed over 5,000 online mentions of five of the most popular accommodation websites of the moment. Adoreboard’s emotion analysis tool Emotics analyses the mentions to uncover […]