Customer Insight: Gianfranco Cuzziol, Zone

Gianfranco Cuzziol is the Director of CRM and Data at leading a London digital agency. Gianfranco and Adoreboard have worked together in many projects, our CEO Chris sat down with Gianfranco to learn how he has worked with Adoreboard to deliver emotionally intelligent campaigns for clients and what he thinks the value of emotion analysis is.


What is your role at Zone?

I’m Gianfranco Cuzziol,  I’m director of CRM and data at Zone. My role at Zone is twofold really, it’s to develop and implement CRM strategies and capabilities for our clients and secondly, to ensure data sits at the heart of all those strategies. Also to make sure that the work we deliver for our clients across our three pillars of strategy, technology and content experiences are driven by data.

Why is Emotion Analysis the key to CX success?

In the terms of using emotion analysis, I think it’s key for us as an agency from two perspectives really. One is from a new business point of view, it really helps us to get underneath their customer behaviour and the emotions that drive those behaviours or their reactions and emotions driven by that behaviour.  So when we talk to a client in a new business situation, we can really understand the customers’ perspective. We can challenge our own thinking to make sure that we deliver the right solution for a client, but also to a certain extent challenge the assumptions that a client might have about their consumer already.

In terms of working with existing clients, we use it in a variety of different ways. We might use emotional analysis to develop a content strategy. We used it for understanding how different content should be positioned for different segments in their customer base based on the emotions that those individual segments might portray as a result of that content.

Again, we might even use it simply to try and measure the emotions from a communication that a brand sends out, to make sure that the emotion that it instills in their audience is the actual emotion that the brand is trying to instill.

How does Emotion Analysis create empathy with customers?

We’ve used emotion analysis for Guide Dogs to help them steer the type of content that they should be delivering. For example, to a simple segment such as male and female audiences because we realise that they react differently to content and understanding what they react to means that we can deliver the right content to get that conversion that we need from those individual segments.

For Barratt Homes, again it was a very simple test using the Adoreboard platform. It was essentially looking at their web copy to see whether the emotion that the web copy drove from their consumers was the emotion that the brand needed to portray. We compared that to some of their competitors and made some minor tweaks that had a massive impact in terms of what the perception was or the emotion that was driven as a result of that.

In terms of the work that we’ve done in financial services and automotive for example, Adoreboard has helped us understand the real negative emotions that customers have because of the experiences they have when interacting with a brand. The customers may love the imagery and the advertising that lures them into the brand but then the customer experience they have might fall flat. The emotion analysis allows us to understand exactly what part of that process of that journey is broken. We as an agency can help the brand fix that problem.

What is the value of Emotion Analytics?

I think it starts to reveal the real emotion behind the customer’s experiences so it goes further than just likes or dislikes. It allows you to dig deeper and understand not only the emotion but also the experience that is driving that emotion. That’s the thing that we as an agency can help the brands fix. Our analysts love using the emotional insights because it gives them a different conversation to have with the brand managers and product managers of our clients. They get to the insight much quicker using the Adoreboard platform, much quicker than any other platform we’ve used previously.

How have you worked with Adoreboard?

One of the things that we really like about working with Adoreboard is that there is no set way of working. They are really imaginative and proactive in terms of the way we might use the platform and work with them. I think that from particularly from an agency that hasn’t used this type of technology previously, they have allowed us to grow with them. This allows us to understand how best to deploy and have those conversations about the platform with our clients

How has Emotion Analysis redefined your view of customer experience?

As an agency that has customer experience at the heart of everything that we do, as part of our digital transformation philosophy. It’s really important to understand the customer emotion at each point in the customer journey. To understand the experience that they’re having and the emotion that’s driven because of that experience as it allows us to have a conversation with our clients about what’s working and what’s not working. As an agency we can then challenge ourselves to deliver a better solution for that particular broken customer journey point.

How has working with Adoreboard benefited Zone?

Tools like Adoreboard have allowed us an an agency to develop our thinking and capability. Three or four years ago data was not core to everything that we did as an agency. Tools like Adoreboard have helped us move the conversation both internally and externally as it helped us educate our internal audience such as our account directors, project managers and our analysts about the value of data and the importance of putting data at the center of everything that we do. Also, we can now have a much more robust conversation with our clients about the value of data. Using a tool like Adoreboard, which goes that extra mile in terms of understanding customer experience and customer emotion, starts to set us apart from other agencies.


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