HX Roundup August 2020 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

HX Roundup - human experience

This month’s HX Roundup includes the best in Human Experience from the past month or so, with articles from; Intercom, The British Medical Journal, My Customer, Forbes, Forrester and CXL.


How Important Is It That CX Managers Are Also Contact Centre Experts?

Back in June, Daniel tested Linkedin’s polling feature with the question, “How important is it that your customer experience head / chief customer officer also be a contact centre expert?” There were three voting options and each person could vote once;

  • Extremely important.
  • Moderately important.
  • Not very important. 

customer experience and call center

This article looks at the responses and comment verbatim of that poll and how CX and contact centre folks can work together for better results.

Read Full Article: https://www.mycustomer.com/service/contact-centres/how-important-is-it-that-cx-managers-are-also-contact-centre-experts (My Customer, Daniel Ord Founder & Director  OmniTouch International)

Why AI Is The Future Of Delivering Customer Experiences With A Human Touch

A survey conducted by Medallia Zingle for Hubspot showed that prior to the pandemic, 78% of consumers said they visited stores to shop locally at least three times a week. Since Covid-19, that number dropped to 34% and the majority of people wish to continue to use home delivery and click-and-collect options to minimise contact, exposure and thus reduce health risk.

Shop local online

Martin talks about re-humanising digital customer experience and how the latest AI technologies are increasingly becoming capable of offering empathy. It’s not all about high-end chatbots though. Whilst AI can directly help your customers, at this stage in many cases, AI is best suited to supporting your human customer service agents in finding answers and solutions quickly.

Read Full Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/08/13/why-ai-is-the-future-of-delivering-customer-experiences-with-a-human-touch/#1667c04f515d (Forbes, Martin Taylor, Deputy CEO and Co-Founder of Content Guru)

Patients’ Emotions Matter In The Regulation Of Medicines

Much of medical research is based on numbers and quantitative data, with numerous questionnaires used to measure and monitor health status and clinical outcomes. These surveys are similar in ways to Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) in that they output a numerical value.

Marco and Nathalie push the case for inclusion and consideration for more qualitative data in regulatory discussions and in particular, the need to consider, and not fear, emotion.

“Emotions represent a complementary “set of data” that can help include the “real world experience” within the regulatory process, and, although interpreting this information is not always easy, it is worthwhile, rewarding and ultimately results in more patient-relevant regulatory outcomes.”

This article is a must read for anyone working in the medical industry and includes two research study examples that illustrate the effect of including more ‘real world’ human input within regulatory research discussions.

Read Full Article: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2020/08/11/patients-emotions-matter-in-the-regulation-of-medicines/ (British Medical Journal, Marco Greco, President of the European Patients’ Forum & Nathalie Bere,Patient Engagement, European Medicines Agency)

Patient experience PX and NPS

Selecting The Right Channels For Customer Experience Success

There is a lot of talk about CX, but one thing that’s often overlooked or skimmed over is discussion around the channels of engagement: how are you engaging with your customers in terms of communication? Is it email, sms, push notifications or some other form of contact?

Craig talks about omni-channel communication suites that enable your customers to select the channels that work best for them, with everything being pulled into one easy management portal for you, the business. It makes sense, and if you’re looking for an enterprise solution, it might just be worth taking a look at Infobip.

Read Full Article: https://customerthink.com/selecting-the-right-channels-for-customer-experience-success/ (Customer Think, Craig Webster, Head of Marketing Americas at Infobip)

Customer Experience Versus Efficiency – Why Support Leaders Shouldn’t Have To Choose

Can you provide a best-in-class customer experience…but at a lower cost? This is a question likely to be asked of most business support managers at some point. 

CX customer support and efficiency

Kaitlin, of Intercom.io uses Zappos and Comcast as examples of the two extremes and talks about how most businesses cannot work at these extremes and instead should work towards a balance and “positive revenue impact”. Intercom do this using their own system and offering conversational support, which has the potential to deliver the best of both worlds…


Look interesting? Head on over to Intercom to find out how!

If you’re struggling with, or interested in streamlined, efficient support that adds value for your customers, head on over, have a read and download Intercom’s free guide.

Read Full Article: https://www.intercom.com/blog/conversational-support-cx-efficiency/ (Kaitlin Pettersen, Intercom)

How to design and deliver a metrics system to prove CX programme ROI

In this month’s HX Roundup we’ve had articles about channels and communication, Michael Hinshaw takes the conversation to metrics and measurement and the challenges of tracking business impact and ROI.

He talks about multichannel customers and the need to embrace both Voice of the Customer (VoC)  — what customers tell us about their experiences through email, SMS, forms, calls, surveys, ratings, reviews, social media feedback, call centre log analysis etc. and Voice of Analytics (VoA)  — what we can determine about the CX from digital analytics, and observing how customers interact with business systems and operations. With this data in hand, we can understand what we can measure and how each relates to our business objectives.

Read Full Article: https://www.mycustomer.com/customer-experience/voice-of-the-customer/how-to-design-and-deliver-a-metrics-system-to-prove-cx (My Customer, Michael Hinshaw Managing Director  McorpCX)

How An Unplanned Reset Is Strengthening The Employee Experience Of Midsize Businesses

Historically, larger businesses have had an advantage over smaller enterprises in terms of attracting talent through perks, salaries and bonuses. However in the wake of COVID-19, research by Oxford Economics has found a shift in employee expectations and drivers. They found that ‘purpose’ was nearly as important as other competitive benefits and factors such as flexible working, training and development were of importance.

The ability to maintain human connection with employees has never been more important, and this is where midsize businesses now have the edge. Employees and HR professionals have the opportunity to engage and shape their employee experience to be more aligned with the real world and what really matters to their workforce.

Read Full Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2020/08/11/how-an-unplanned-reset-is-strengthening-the-employee-experience-of-midsize-businesses/#18f35ab35918 (Forbes, Lori McNally, Global Vice President of SAP)

free employee experience webinar
We’re re-running this popular employee experience webinar
Click here for the 11am session
Click here for the 4pm session

[Forrester Webinar] The US Customer Experience Index 2020: Why CX Differentiation Leads To Long-Term Success

Join Forrester for a complimentary webinar on their US Customer Experience Index 2020 and discover the impact of COVID-19 on the CX Index results. You will learn about CX quality trends across 14 industries, discover the brands deemed to be CX leaders in 2020 and understand how you can use CX to drive long-term success.

Register: https://go.forrester.com/us-cx-index-2020-webinar/ (with TJ Keitt Principal Analyst, & Michelle Yaiser Director, CX Analytics, Forrester)

How To Nail Your First 90 Days As A CX Director

The tone of Katie’s introduction will make many of you sigh, laugh and nod in nervous appreciation. If you think maybe you’ve bitten off more CX than you can chew, don’t panic, Katie has you covered…

In this jam-packed 90-day guide, she suggests that alongside the bigger vision, you should look at how to implement incremental CX improvements, much like research-driven, lean, iterative development as opposed to waterfall whereby everything relies on one masterplan output.

CXL - CX optimisation#MindTheGap!

Head on over to the guide which is nicely broken down into three 30-day segments, full of detail and actionable advice.

It’s going to be a busy 90 days…

Read Full Article: https://cxl.com/blog/cx-director/ (CXL, Katie Kelly)

If you’d like a personalised demo of Emotics, our human experience measurement, customer journey and emotion analytics platform click here — we can collect data from social media or Glassdoor to give you a demo using your own data from Qualtrics or any other source.

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