HX Roundup February 2020 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

Human Experience roundup - CX EX February 2020

This month’s round up includes pieces from Qualtrics, Forbes Human Resources Council, CMS Wire, Raconteur, Kellogg Insight and Mobi Health News…


Critical Moments: Where Customer Experience Is Won or Lost

We knot that mapping out and improving the customer journey can be complex and abstract. Ryan delivers a really great piece on how to codify these journeys so they can be measured and optimized. 

“However, some points in a customer journey hold an outsized impact on the outcomes. Identifying these “critical moments” can help simplify otherwise complex journeys and guide where your focus should be.”

These critical moments are distributed throughout conversations, decisions points, emotional context, etc and need to be identified. He likens them to pressure points in the body. “At first glance, they appear as nothing more than small areas on a body — nothing special, nothing significant. But, applying just a small amount of pressure can shut down your entire muscle system….”

The article talks about the most critical stages in a high touch sales process and how there are thousands of moments, but likely only a few that will fundamentally change the CX trajectory. This is one of our favourite concise reads on customer journey.

Read Full Article: CMS Wire (Ryan Lunka, 06 Feb 2020)

13 Key Aspects To Consider When Selecting An Employee Engagement Survey Tool

13 members of the Forbes Human Resources Council explore some of the key aspects an employee engagement survey tool should have to be truly useful to a business….and come up with 13 things you should consider!

First up is Simplicity

Simplicity is key! Remember, your workforce may be completing their survey “on the fly” at the office, at a client site, in the line for a plane or in a coffee house. We complete engagement surveys twice a year, so it has to be intuitive. Otherwise, participation is negatively impacted, which in turn makes the results less relevant. – Paul Phillips, Avanade

Read Full Article: Forbes Human Resources Council (Expert Panel, 07 February 2020)

The Convergence Of Customer And Employee Experience

This article, with the subtitle “Why a great customer experience is increasingly informing what makes a great employee experience” explores the parallel expectation to provide a great employee experience as well as great customer experience. 

employee experience measurement

It is crammed full of insightful stats, quotes and actionable activities, primarily targeted at HR and employee engagement professionals. Here’s one;

“The key is this: employees who feel listened to and supported are nearly five times more likely to feel engaged at work. If their satisfaction isn’t regularly measured, then every employee will be fighting internal battles just to be productive.” — Lindsay Willott, chief executive of Customer Thermometer

Read Full Article: Raconteur (Peter Crush, 24 Feb 2020)

7 Patient Experience Trends To Watch In 2020

Qualtric’s Head of Global Healthcare, Patty Riskind, talks us through 7 key patient experience trends to watch in 2020:

  1. Translating Consumerism Into Action – Pre/During/Post Care
  2. Applying Non-Healthcare Best Practices
  3. Complementing CAHPS with Real-Time Insights to Move the Needle
  4. The use of X and O-data combined
  5. Leverage AI to Move From Reactive to Proactive
  6. Increasing Investment in Culture
  7. Experience Management Will Come To The Fore

To hear what Patty has to say on these 7 trends, head on over to Qualtrics and read the full article!

Read Full Article: Qualtrics (Patty Riskind, 11 February 2020)

Qualtrics Integration Webinar
If you’d like to see how Emotics works with Qualtrics, check out this webinar!

Optimal Customer Experience? Content Marketing Plays a Role [New Enterprise Research]

Stephanie Stahl shares findings from Content Marketing Institute’s newly released ‘Enterprise Content Marketing 2020: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends – North America’ research, based on responses from people who work in B2B and B2C for-profit companies with 1,000 or more employees.

Over half (51%) of those who agree their brands deliver an optimal customer experience across the engagement journey say their content marketing is extremely or very successful. Whilst only 29% of the total set of respondents rated their content marketing that highly. The 22 percentage point gap between those who provide an optimal experience and all respondents hints at the importance of content marketing in the customer journey…

Read Full Article: Content Marketing Institute (Stephanie Stahl, 05 February 2020)

5 Reasons To Invest Now In Customer Experience

Andrew starts off with how one negative experience can lose a customer and introduces us to a couple of sobering stats; 

  • According to PwC, 32% of customers will stop interacting with a brand after a single bad experience, and 45% will switch after three bad experiences. 
  • A recent study by Gladly was even more alarming; it showed that 84% of customers will switch to a competitor after three poor customer experiences.

He suggests this trend will only accelerate, as companies are making initial brand adoption easier and less risky than in the past and gen X, Y, and Z are more fickle than previous generations. 

Makes sense to us! Read on for the other 4 reasons…

Read Full Article: ICMI (Andrew Neff, 28 January 2020)

How B2B Companies Can Up Their Customer Experience Game

The subtitle for this post says a lot; “Most companies focus on their own sales targets. They should be focusing on their clients’”

Jennifer Fisher goes on to present research by Nicholas Caffentzis (senior fellow and adjunct professor in Kellogg’s Markets and Customers initiative) on four keys to help B2B tech companies improve customer experiences and outcomes.

Similarly to Ryan Lunka’s ‘critical moments’ piece featured further up, identifying and starting with ‘critical issues’ is Caffentzis’ first point, “Pay attention to why your customers say they haven’t been able to solve a particular problem.” This piece is of particular interest to B2B technology companies.

Read Full Article: Kellogg Insight, Northwestern University (Based on Nicholas ‘Nick’ Caffentzis research and written by Jennifer Fisher)

9 Ways To Improve The Future Of Employee Experience

Looking for something actionable? Here are 9 ways to improve employee experience, each backed up with research, examples or quotes and sometimes even a nice graphic!

  1. Improve diversity and inclusion
  2. Boost the onboarding experience
  3. Introduce hyper-personalisation
  4. Embrace fluid and flexible work ecosystems
  5. Understand the convergence of CX and EX
  6. Adopt agile HR
  7. Use workforce analytics to measure and optimise
  8. Increase communication
  9. Employ technology as an enabler for younger and older employees alike

employee engagement tool statistics

Read Full Article: Raconteur (Peter Crush, 10 February, 2020)

Theme Parks Have A Lot To Teach Healthcare Systems About Patient Experience

patient experience

I’ll summarise this piece with a few extracts, mainly quotes from Steven Merahn, MD

Chief Medical Officer, Centria Healthcare. Anybody who works in entertainment-based customer service knows about that unglamorous ‘back stage’, ‘back-of-house’ or ‘service’ area, be it a theme park, restaurant, hotel or music venue…

“You’re stepping away from the ICU for a minute and you’re running numbers through your head, because that’s what nurses do,” he [Merhan] explained. “You’re in the elevator, and someone walks in and says ‘excuse me, where’s the gift shop?’ What does that do to the moment that you are a professional? You have to shut down the work you’re doing in your head, and you’re obligated due to patient satisfaction programs to take that person to the gift shop and make small talk. 

“If we designed hospitals with a back-of-house component, then that break would [not] happen ‘on stage.’ Every hotel has a back elevator you never see where they wheel the room service and laundry carts out. Yet in hospitals we co-mingle those things, and that contributes significantly to burnout.”

Steven Merahn, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Centria Healthcare & Cynthia Sharpe, Principal, Cultural Attractions and Research, Thinkwell Group are doing a session at this month’s HIMSS 20 event in Orlando. Let’s hope they record it!

Read Full Article: Mobi Health News  (Dave Muoiro, 24 January 2020)

100 Human Experience Events for 2020 – CX, EX & PX Conferences

Finally, something we forgot to share last month’s HX Round up: a handy list of organized Human Experience events across the globe, complete with a Google Sheets free download (nos signup required – just click and copy!).

How to make a copy or download Google Sheet

You’ll find everything from customer and employee to patient, organised by date, country, region and city with a direct link to the event itself.

Read Full Article: Adoreboard (Carley Morrow, 01 Jan 2020)

That’s all, folks. Enjoy! 

If you’d like a personalised demo of Emotics, our human experience measurement, customer journey and emotion analytics platform click here — we can collect data from social media or Glassdoor to give you a demo using relevant data…or make use of our new Qualtrics integration (view webinar here!).

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