HX Roundup July 2020 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

HX Roundup - Human Experience

This month’s HX Roundup includes Raconteur’s “Future Of Employee Experience” report — a 20-page report and infographic distributed by The Times newspaper, Forbes, Econsultancy, Forrester, Reworked and Qualtrics.


‘Frictionless’ Is Not Enough: Introducing Emotional Peaks In Your Customer Experience

According to the article, over 90% of our behaviours and beliefs are driven by emotions which dictate not only how we respond to things, but also how we remember them. I think this is something we at Adoreboard certainly agree with.

Rebecca discusses Peak End Theory and how you can identify and/or introduce emotional peaks to your Customer Experience (CX). There are practical examples that can be easily introduced at various points along the customer journey. She talks about how we need to start building habits powered by context and emotions, rather than trying to ‘build customer loyalty’ in order to keep customers coming back.

Read Full Article: https://econsultancy.com/frictionless-is-not-enough-introducing-emotional-peaks-in-your-customer-experience/ (Econsultancy, Rebecca Hemming)

What Comes Next For EX: How People Teams Build On Successful Immediate Responses To COVID-19

Looking at employee engagement statistics, Phil Pringle, EX Solutions Strategy at Qualtrics, talks us through the four stages organisations will need to work through as they adjust to COVID-19. These are; (1) React; (2) Explore; (3) Reorient; (4) Normalize.

As we come out of stage one, it is even more important to listen and engage with employees in an empathetic, human-centered way. Emotions need to be monitored as organisations progress and concerns move from the availability of hand sanitizer and work-at-home anxieties to the next stage.

Read Full Article: https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/employee-experience-post-covid-19/ (Qualtrics, Phil Pringle)

Employees + Anywhere = The New Digital Workplace [REPORT]

In this survey of the digital workplace and remote employee experience post-COVID, 1E (in partnership with independent research agency Vanson Bourne) found that enterprises are ill-equipped to support remote workers as the world shifts from office-based to ‘anywhere-based’.

employee experience

Image source: 1E

Since the start of the pandemic, 46M people in the US have moved from working in the office on a full-time basis to working from home full-time. That’s a significant amount of people forced into new ways of working overnight and who are totally reliant on their laptop for work and communication. And it seems many legacy IT tools are letting them down.

Read Full Report: https://www.1e.com/wfa-research/ (1E research report)

Empathy Is the Intersection Between User, Customer and Employee Experience

Learning how people feel about the products they use, the experiences they have with a business, and the experiences they have as employees allows leaders to gain actionable insights to improve the journeys of the human beings that interact with their businesses.

This piece offers a great overview of the intersections of experience and the reason we at Adoreboard very often refer to ‘Human Experience’ or (HX) Going beyond sentiment and text analysis, Scott provides a great overview of product-related design thinking and UX, tying everything together with empathy.

Read Full Article: https://www.cmswire.com/digital-experience/empathy-is-the-intersection-between-user-customer-and-employee-experience/ (CMS Wire, Scott Clark)

Employee Experiences That Employees Actually Want

This chunky piece by the folks at Reworked is packed full of interesting information and stats. Did you know that company culture is the biggest driver of competitive advantage in hiring talented employees? Or that setbacks in audio quality are one of the biggest drivers of poor employee experience and performance when working from home?

What may seem like minor issues can cause a lot of stress and frustration, bringing with it significant impact on your bottom line. Efficient technology and communications are key for positive employee experience when working from home.

Read Full Article: https://www.reworked.co/employee-experience/employee-experiences-that-employees-actually-want/ (Reworked, David Roe)

Executives Really Must Walk In Their Customers’ Shoes

Forrester’s senior analyst Faith Adams takes time out to talk us through her experience of buying an electrical appliance online and her ‘CX Reality’ challenge to all executives to take time out and check in on their customer journey.

Very briefly, the challenge is to complete a task as a customer. And there’s to be no cheating — if you run into difficulty, call the support line just like a customer would. It’s a simple but effective process as taking up on the challenge will yield quick insight without any analysis required.

Read Full Article: https://go.forrester.com/blogs/executives-really-must-walk-in-their-customers-shoes/ (Forrester, Faith Adams – senior analyst)

The Big Mistake People Make With Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Bikram Ghosh, associate professor of marketing at the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona, Tucson talks about AI in business today and what is possible for your business processes. Listen via podcast or read the overview.

Ghosh covers many of the topics and shares similar opinions of us here at Adoreboard. He sets out a series of practical tips and steps in getting started with AI, including getting the customer’s emotions in order to group your customers based on how they feel and decide on the appropriate response.

If you read the article or listen to the podcast and would like complimentary access to our Emotics AI platform to test any of his suggestions, please get in touch.

Read / Listen: https://beyondphilosophy.com/the-big-mistake-people-make-with-artificial-intelligence/ (The Intuitive Customer podcast with associate professor of marketing, Bikram Ghosh)

Raconteur: Future Of Employee Experience [REPORT]

This truly is a beefy read. A mini-paper distributed with the Times newspaper that dives into EX issues such as video conferencing, COVID-19 anxiety, and the future of employment whilst touching on CX with ‘Turning customers into activists’.

Employee experience infograp

See report for full size infographic

future of employee experience reportYou can download the full PDF or read it online, complete with infographics.

Read Full Report: https://www.raconteur.net/employee-experience-2020

Employee Experience Is The New Customer Experience: Five Ways To Boost The Employee Experience Within Your Company

Jody opens this piece with a classic; “A question often heard from CFOs to CEOs illustrates the mindset of the ROI when it comes to employees: ‘What if we invest in our employees and then they leave?’

But the bigger question here is: What happens if you don’t and they stay?”

She offers five ways to improve the experience and an example of how metrics can be seriously misleading.

Read Full Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/07/13/employee-experience-is-the-new-customer-experience-five-ways-to-boost-the-employee-experience-within-your-company/#3627126e33c1 (Forbes, Jody Shapiro)

If you’d like a personalised demo of Emotics, our human experience measurement, customer journey and emotion analytics platform click here — we can collect data from social media or Glassdoor to give you a demo using relevant data.

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