HX Roundup March 2021 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

HX Roundup

My Customer, Managed Healthcare Executive, Tech Republic, Qualtrics, Nielsen Norman Group & Entrepreneur all feature in this month’s HX Roundup;  the best in Human Experience from the past month or so.

There have been some great pieces this month and we finish with an epic, not to be missed article and research report from Accenture and focused on BX ‘Business of Experience’ — best suited to a large coffee and some me-time.


A Framework For CX Transformation: How To Operationalize CX At Scale

This in-depth article provides a framework to operationalize Customer Experience, focusing on customer journey and 4 key areas of change:

  • Vision and strategy
  • Employees
  • Operations
  • Technology 

And using 4 building blocks to implement the changes:

  • Experience-design operations
  • Customer insights and metrics
  • Culture management
  • Leadership and governance

Read Full Article: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/framework-cx-transformation/ (Kim Salazar, Nielsen Norman Group)

Employee Engagement Is Up, But CXOs Still Don’t Act On Staff Feedback

This transcript is from a conversation with Brad Anderson president of products and services at Qualtrics about how CIOs can help improve employee engagement and satisfaction.

Only 5% of employees feel organizations actively respond to the data collected from their listening and feedback systems. Now these systems need to cope with hybrid working – in office and from home, sometimes in combination. This means more dynamics and more data, but understanding that data and then being able to act upon it is the challenge.

Read Full Article: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/employee-engagement-is-up-but-cxos-still-dont-act-on-staff-feedback/  (Karen Roby & Brad Anderson, Qualtrics)

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Why 2021 Patient Experience Will Be Tied To Telehealth Success

According to SPH Analytics’ consumer telehealth survey, which measures healthcare experiences, 70% of patients preferred virtual visits over an in-person appointment to save time. This number was the same in early March 2020 as it was in mid-June 2020, after the first wave of COVID-19 shuttered physician offices in many urban, high-volume parts of the country. 

What’s interesting is that avoiding sick people in the waiting room was the second-most cited reason among patients who preferred virtual visits. This suggests that while COVID-19 was a catalyst for telehealth growth, it’s not the main reason people continue to seek virtual care. 

Read on to discover 4 tactics you can use to develop an experience-driven telehealth program.

Read Full Article: https://www.managedhealthcareexecutive.com/view/why-2021-patient-experience-will-be-tied-to-telehealth-success (Suzanne Cogan, CCO of SPH Analytics via Managed Healthcare Executive).

The Future of AI and What Customer Experience Leaders Can Learn From It

Lots of interesting commentary in this piece, however as a provider of emotion tracking technology and emotion AI, the later section, “The last beacon: creativity or empathy?” jumps out. Here is a short excerpt;

“Though AI systems will be able to track emotions and know in which emotional state you are, Jonathan too believes that they will never be empathic because, for one thing, they don’t have five senses, like us, and thus can’t ‘feel’: “you cannot get something which is not like you to be truly empathic with because you don’t have the same consistency”.

But he does believe that AI will be able to mimic empathy at one point, in a very believable way. “GPT 3 for instance, could be able to detect a psychotic episode much earlier than a normal human being through your Whatsapp messages, if it had been fed enough data of similar episodes. So AI could be a true aid in psychiatry and psychology. But it will never be true empathy. It would be more like a psychopath mimicking that feeling. So there’s a lot to be thought about on the ethical side.”

Read Full Article: https://www.stevenvanbelleghem.com/blog/the-future-of-ai-and-what-customer-experience-leaders-can-learn-from-it/  Jonathan Berte, CEO of Robovision

How CX Leaders Can Foster a More Effective Customer Insight Culture

Most of you will agree with Liam that all too often, customer ‘insight’ simply confirms what is already common knowledge, and merely gets a shrug from the board. Here he presents four challenges and suggests four key questions to stimulate fresh thinking and bring about breakthrough insights.

  • First challenge: Find a truly new insight
  • Second challenge: Identify what’s different about the new insight
  • Third challenge: Identify what should change
  • Fourth challenge: How should the strategy change

Read on for the questions and examples.

Read Full Article: https://www.mycustomer.com/marketing/data/how-cx-leaders-can-foster-a-more-effective-customer-insight-culture (Liam Fahey, My Customer)

Employee Experience and Wellbeing Report 2021

You’ll need to pop your email address in to receive a copy of this report as found in The Times, March 2021, but if you’re in HR, it’s well worth it. This report is packed with information and stats on mental health, remote working, monitoring and employee insights, including lots of charts and graphs.


Get Full Report: https://fowinsights.com/insights/mental-wellbeing/employee-experience-wellbeing-report-2021/ (Raconteur)

Fancy A Moonshot?

As you may know, we have AJ Thomas of Alphabet aka Google’s X Moonshoot Factory for our next webinar ‘Design at the Heart of Your People Experiences”; how to reframe HR as being more about HX – Human Experience. She shared this game on Linkedin a couple of weeks ago and we found it rather fun and creative! 

Give it a go and unlock your moonshot mindset…alongside some rather outlandish ideas!

Play the game: https://x.company/moonshots-game/play (X Company)

This month’s webinar…

Moonshoot Thinking - Google X Webinar

Click here to find out more about Adoreboard’s Moonshot Thinking webinar

12 Golden Rules for Customer Experience Strategy

Steven distills his CX strategies into 12 bite-sized guidelines. Here’s the first one to get your tastebuds flowing, and a list of the remaining 11 to tease!

  1. 100 small projects
    One of the biggest mistakes organizations make is to develop one huge idea around customer experience. Quickly, this vision becomes so big and complex that it almost inevitably fails when it comes to the execution. In my experience, it is much better to make a list of many small improvements that they can make for customers. The execution of 100 small improvements will always trump one huge unwieldy project.
  2. Intelligence
  3. Involve everyone in CX strategy
  4. Celebrate success
  5. Direct customer feedback for everyone
  6. Play the friction hunter game
  7. What would Joy do?
  8. Always fix it
  9. Don’t have short term expectations
  10. Fast and fun
  11. Create emotional convenience
  12. Empower employees to choose for the customer

Head on over and enjoy all 12 tasty morsels…

Read Full Article: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/366760 (Steven Van Belleghem, Entrepreneur)

That’s this month’s HX Roundup complete! 

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