HX Roundup May 2020 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

This month’s Human Experience round up includes pieces from Adage, Beyond Philosophy, Forbes, Forrester, Customer Think, Wootric.


The Value Of Investing In Customer Value Management

Many companies are embracing and investing in customer value management. To achieve CVM, you must know what customers value, which can vary greatly among customer segments. You must discern what customers perceive as important, why they buy, why they prefer one company or product over another, and what benefits they believe the product or service delivers.

The ability to determine and extract customer value is a competitive advantage that reflects the degree to which your customers perceive your organization as more valuable than the alternatives. CVM helps you determine whether your brand is important to customers and what about it they value most. 

Read Full Article: https://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/the-value-of-investing-in-customer-value-management-02308961 (Laura Patterson Business 2 Community)

Virtual Customer Journey Mapping: Adapting To The New Reality

Join Forrester analyst Joana de Quintanilha and find out how to map out your new journeys to help your customers and employees during the crisis and beyond. Join this webinar to understand how to use journey orchestration tools to provide real-time insights into how customers’ behaviour is changing in response to the pandemic and more.

Get the webinar: https://go.forrester.com/virtual-customer-journey-mapping-emea/ (Complimentary Forrester Webinar)

Face To Face And In Telemedicine, Patient Experience Depends On Consulting These 7 Hospitality Elements In Healthcare

When we conceive of healthcare as offering “hospitality with healing” (or, to keep the priorities in the right order, “healing with a touch of hospitality”), life becomes better for everyone. 

We’ve distilled what bring hospitality to the healthcare patient experience down to seven focal points that spell (with our hats tipped to Aretha Franklin and Otis Redding) RESPECT: 

  • R:   Recognize.
  • E:   Empathize.
  • S:   Start on the right foot.
  • P:   Part well.
  • E:   Empower everyone to help. 
  • C:   Cue that you care.
  • T:   Clarify the Timeline.

Read Full Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/micahsolomon/2020/05/15/face-to-face-and-in-telemedicine-patient-experience-depends-on-nailing-these-7-hospitality-elements/#6c441068fd99 (Patient Experience Consultant, Micah Solomon on Forbes)

Why This Is A Great Time To Change Your Customer Habits

The world is not going to go back to how it was; it will be different. Your customers will be different. Their habits will be changed, and it allows you to implement new ways of working with them. I would recommend you take the following actions to do that…

I don’t recommend waiting for everything to go back to normal. It won’t go back.

Read full article and discover the actions:  https://beyondphilosophy.com/why-this-is-a-great-time-to-change-your-customer-habits/ (Colin Shaw, Beyond Philosophy)

How To Pitch New CX Initiatives & Overcome Objections Of Decision-makers

Following on in a similar chain of thought is Jeannie Walters. The Covid era means some leaders are even more resistant to the idea of investing in customer experience, which they may see as nebulous or a “nice-to-have” rather than a “must-have.” Of course, you know and I know those leaders who are prepared to be nimble and adapt their experiences in this time of disruption will be the ones who end up ahead of the rest.

Read Full Article: https://customerthink.com/how-to-pitch-new-cx-initiatives-overcome-objections-of-decision-makers/ Jeannie Walters (Customer Think)


What Customer Success Means Now, During The COVID-19 Pandemic

I predict that the companies that will grow from the Covid-19 pandemic crisis are the ones who deeply, genuinely care about their customers’ wellbeing. Not just their success.

How are your customers feeling right now? And how can you support them?

A great piece that every Customer Success Manager should read.

Read Full Article: https://www.wootric.com/blog/what-customer-success-means-now-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/ (Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré on Wootric)

Investigating the Upside Down: Balancing Organizational and Customer Value in B2B Measurement

“In B2B, those parallel worlds consist of the “buyerverse” and the “sellerverse.” In today’s age of the customer, many B2B organizations are working to transition their corporate mindset to customer-centricity. However, their systems of measurement, which don’t provide enough insight on how the organization generates value for buyers and customers, aren’t ready to investigate the buyerverse…

Organizations that take actions to investigate the insights and metrics of the buyerverse will be able to connect buyer and customer experiences and recalibrate the focus of sales and marketing leaders to the quality, not just quantity, of metrics. Only then can they lift the mystery and shadows that conceal buyer and customer value.”

Read Full Article: https://www.siriusdecisions.com/blog/balancing-value-b2b-measurement (Ellen Lind, Forrester)

Integrating Feedback: Putting the “Action” in “Satisfaction”

Customer surveys and satisfaction. Here are 5 things you should be doing to ensure you get the most out of your data. And remember, let everyone get a piece of the pie: customer insight isn’t just for customer support or success agents any more. Every single team can make use of deeper customer knowledge in creating a more customized, customer-focused insights-driven business.

Read Full Article: https://freshdesk.com/customer-support/integrating-feeback-blog/ (Freshdesk)

5 Ways To Elevate The Human Experience For Brand Partners

More and more brands are mindful of the human experience in business—not just for consumers but for all humans involved, including employees and partners—people in organizations that market, sell, service, support or provide other focused expertise to your company or directly to its customers. 

To improve the brand-partner relationship, brands should first recognize that partners have human motivations, expectations, fears and ambitions just like customers and employees do. Brands must then deliver experiences that address those needs…

Read Full Article: https://adage.com/article/deloitte/elevating-human-experience-brand-partners/2257186# (Ayo Odusote, Adage)

How adding emotion into AI can produce better CX [Interview]

How does Artificial Emotional Intelligence differ from ‘standard’ AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already reshaped how brands communicate with customers by enabling them to make more timely and personalized connections. Moving forward, these interactions will become even more nuanced through artificial emotional intelligence (AEI). While AI aggregates and analyzes data, offering recommendations based on previous interactions and context, AEI technology, though still being developed, adds an extra layer of empathy to the customer experience. AEI helps agents understand the emotional state of the customer and nuanced communication preferences, like how much a particular customer uses emojis. With that added insight, brands can adapt customer service responses to best suit each situation…

Read Full Interview: https://www.mycustomer.com/community/blogs/sethgrimes/delivering-experience-emotion-empathy-online (Kristina Knight interview with Chris Bauserman, VP, Segment and Product Marketing, NICE inContact on Bizreport)

That’s all, folks. Enjoy! 

If you’d like a personalised demo of Emotics, our human experience measurement, customer journey and emotion analytics platform click here — we can collect data from social media or Glassdoor to give you a demo using relevant data.


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