Meet the Team: Lauren Harris, Content Marketing Executive

This week we are kicking off our new series, and giving you a chance to meet our team!

Starting us off is Lauren Harris, our Content Marketing Executive.  She has been with us since June, while she is completing a masters in Marketing at Queen’s University, Belfast.

What do you do at Adoreboard?

I write content for the Adoreboard blog and corresponding Emotional Insights Weekly newsletter (subscribe here). I use the Adoreboard software to gain insights to help with creating interesting stories about what’s trending each week.  I also manage our social media accounts to keep them updated with relevant content, and maintain communication with followers. I lend a helping hand with consultancy projects when needed.

Part of my internship includes an action research project investigating the key to producing good content online.

What have you enjoyed most during your time at Adoreboard?

I have enjoyed joining in with the Adoreboard team traditions such as cook days, learner lunches and Friday drinks. The people are great! I particularly enjoy my desk neighbour Emma-Louise’s enabling behaviour when it comes to burritos and the Hamilton soundtrack. She is partly responsible for my last minute trip to Berlin this month too.

What three things are you loving right now?

It’s hard to limit it to three!

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1. Parks and Recreation Reruns

Parks and Recreation has been a guilty pleasure of mine for years! It’s such a great show that keeps me laughing. Each episode is only 20 minutes long so I don’t feel too guilty after a marathon session.

2. Hamilton Soundtrack

Thanks to Emma-Louise, I have found a new obsession that has been taking over my Apple Music account. I’m not usually the musical type but this soundtrack is on another level! It tells the great story of Alexander Hamilton, one of America’s Founding Fathers, and it’s getting me through my late study nights at the library. Check it out here!

3. My new cats, Dexter and Morgan (bonus points if you get the reference)

They’re not technically my cats, they’re my mum’s, but I fully expect that my Snapchat and Instagram will be filled with cat photos in the near future.

What are some of the things at the top of your bucket list?

Number one is probably to travel more. I’ve been lucky enough to have travelled to some great places, but there are still a lot of places I would love to see. Vietnam is definitely at the top of my list, followed by the rest of Southeast Asia.  


I’ve always wanted to visit Ha Long Bay in Vietnam!

My second bucket list item is quite similar, but I’ve always wanted to move to a different country, even just for a short period of time. I lived in Portland Oregon for a year to study and I met so many great people and one of my best friends there, so I would love to do it again!

My third item might sound a bit strange but I’ve always wanted to like olives. I don’t know why. They just seem like a cool food to like but at the moment I find them pretty terrible so it might take a lot of work!


Lauren has been a great addition to the Adoreboard team!  You can check out her blog posts here.

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