HX Roundup February 2021 – The Latest in CX, EX and Human Experience

Human Experience HX Roundup February 2021

McKinsey & Company, Zendesk, Qualtrics, Contact Center Pipeline, Accenture, HME Business, Beehive Research, Customer Think and Quantum Workplace all feature in this month’s HX Roundup;  the best in Human Experience from the past month or so.

There have been some great pieces this month and we finish with an epic, not to be missed article and research report from Accenture and focused on BX ‘Business of Experience’ — best suited to a large coffee and some me-time.


Prediction: The future of CX

McKinsey takes a look at surveys and predictive analytics, drawing on a survey of more than 260 CX leaders from US-based companies, of which over 90% used a survey-based metric to measure CX. Of these, only 6% expressed confidence that their CX measurement system enabled them to make both strategic and tactical decisions and only 4% were confident that it enabled them to calculate return on investment.

They identified the above 4 key flaws with today’s survey-based systems and state that the CX programs of the future will be holistic, predictive, precise, and clearly tied to business outcomes. Whilst technology is not quite there yet, fully intuitive or real-time, the advantages to those who start investing in the talent and systems will be substantial over those who wait to play catchup in years to come.

Read Full Article (or listen to it!): https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/prediction-the-future-of-cx# Collaborative article, McKinsey & Company 

Seven Ideas to Deliver a Great Customer Experience During a Recession

Many people have lost their jobs or businesses or had their hours impacted by COVID. They’re facing challenging times and need to cut expenses. Your product or service might just be one of them. 

As they call the service support line, they are likely already stressed at their situation. Maybe a couple of kids are hanging off their legs or a family member is ill. They are likely to already be in a higher state of stress than normal whilst listening to the automated “Please hold. We’re experiencing higher call volumes than normal…” message and elevator music on repeat.

Mike Aoki is a contact center expert and shares his tips on how agents can deliver the best possible customer experience during these times. And how companies can offer the best possible support to their agents, most of whom are likely working from home.

Read Full Article: https://blog.contactcenterpipeline.com/2021/02/seven-ideas-to-deliver-a-great-customer-experience-during-a-recession/ Mike Aoki, President of Reflective Keynotes, on Contact Center Pipeline

This month’s webinar…

CX Rockstar live webinar with James Dodkins

Click here to find out more about Adoreboard’s CX Rockstar webinar

CX Is At A Digital Tipping Point—Here’s What It Leaders Can Prepare For

Using Zendesk data on how 90,000 businesses across the globe are prioritizing CX technology investment, this article outlines 3 key areas for IT leaders to invest in as they prepare a digital strategy for the next-normal.

  • 01: New ways to interact with customers online
  • 02: Agile tech
  • 03: Managing a distributed workforce

One of the key takeaways is that less than half of agents can access relevant customer data when providing support and that COVID-19 has greatly accelerated adoption of technology for both customer and employee experience.

Zendesk integrations Adoreboard

Did you know?
Adoreboard integrates with Zendesk.
Why not try it out?. Instant access – no credit card required

Read Full Article: https://www.zendesk.com/blog/digital-tipping-point-it-leaders/ Hannah Wrem, Zendesk

Getting The Most Out Of Your Customer Experience Measures

This short article outlines the common metrics used to manage CX, including NPS and CSAT, considerations in terms of what measure to choose and stick with. It provides an overview on how to effectively use these KPIs by linking numerical metrics to open text verbatim in order to deepen insight and get to the why. The importance of an action plan and assigning responsibility and measuring return on investment.

Read Full Article: https://beehiveresearch.co.uk/cx-measures/  Beehive Research

20 Easy Employee Engagement Ideas

Need some insight on improving your employee experience? This is a simple list of 20 ideas in a compact format, many of which are extremely easy to implement at some level.

  1. Create an engaging onboarding experience.
  2. Celebrate your people (not just their work).
  3. Ask employees for advice.
  4. Encourage leaders to take advantage of failures.
  5. Provide flexible work hours and locations.

That’s just 5 of the 20 ideas, all of which come with a short summary paragraph. Easy to read with a quick cuppa.

Read Full Article: https://www.quantumworkplace.com/future-of-work/employee-engagement-ideas Natalie Wickham, Quantum Workplace.

10 Ways To Improve Customer Experience (CX)

A concise listicle from leaders in experience management, Qualtrics, outlining 10 tips on how to improve the customer experience. Interestingly, the first 2 tips are for Employee Experience which says a lot about how far we have come over recent years to having a more holistic ‘human experience’ approach, rather than one silo’d to departments.

Each of the 10 tips come with a bite-sized ‘Take Action’ paragraph.

Did you know?
Adoreboard integrates with Qualtrics.
Why not try it out?. Instant access – no credit card required

Read Full Article: https://www.qualtrics.com/experience-management/customer/improve-customer-experience/  Qualtrics

Managing the Digital Patient Experience [podcast]

If you’re looking for a short 30 minute podcast on PX, this is just the fit. Talks about enabling a great digital patient experience making life easy for the patients and the expectations, with comparisons and examples including mainstream consumer products such as Netflix, Amazon.

What can practitioners and journey designers learn from consumer apps to improve the patient experience. And how can they get started quickly without over-complicating, without having to develop app? Lots of tips in this podcast that are relevant for multiple industries and fairly simple to get started with.

Listen to the Podcast: https://hme-business.com/podcasts/2021/02/digital-patient-experience.aspx  HME Business with Nupura Kolwalkar, Chief Product Officer at Brightree

Are Your Business Partners Aligned To Your Newly Established CX Strategy?

We’ve all seen the music artist who has received a ‘one star’ review because the CD arrived cracked or heard about difficulties with motor insurance when the customer has to deal with multiple moving parts to get their claim processed overseas. When developing a customer experience strategy, business partners, aka vendors, suppliers, or providers, are often overlooked and so CX issues such as those around billing, deliveries and returns can be related to activities outside the core organisation but have severe impact on the brand. 

How can you avoid these pitfalls?

Any partner deeply embedded in your process should always form part of your CX planning and thoroughly reviewed as part of your customer journey research. Bob provides eight insightful questions and considerations when engaging with your business partners to ensure your CX strategy is aligned and that perfect experience you’ve been aiming for and brand reputation remains intact.

Read Full Article: https://customerthink.com/are-your-business-partners-aligned-to-your-newly-established-cx-strategy/ Bob Azman, Innovative CX Solutions on Customer Think

Growth: It Comes Down To Experience – Moving Beyond CX To The Business of Experience (BX) [Report]

Want to grow six times faster than the competition? You need to be thinking about the holistic ‘Business of Experience’ (BX), something similar to what we at Adoreboard call ‘Human Experience’ (HX).

In this piece of research, Accenture spoke to 1,550 executives of which nearly a quarter were CEOs from all over the world and across 22 industries. They found that the organizations that embrace practices defined by Accenture as as important for BX grow their profitability year-on-year by at least six times over their industry peers.


Set aside an hour and grab a cuppa – this is a beefy must-read article for any senior management or person involved in experience. Full research report is also available for free download.

Read Full Article: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/interactive/business-of-experience Accenture

That’s this month’s HX Roundup complete! 

For a personalised demo of Emotics, our human experience measurement, customer journey and emotion analytics platform click here — we can collect data from social media or Glassdoor to give you a demo using your own data from Qualtrics or any other source. Prefer to test it yourself, get started immediately with our 14-day free trial.

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